MCSS November - December 2018 Newsletter

MCSS Announcements & News

MCSS Endorses Joe Schmidt for NCSS Board

Joe Head Shot.jpg

Each year, the National Council for the Social Studies holds elections to fill positions on their Board of Directors and leadership team. Voting for 2019-2020 Board of Directors will begin after the annual NCSS conference this December. The NCSS Board of Directors oversees the mission and vision of the organization and sets the policy that supports not only the organization, but social studies educators around the country and the world. 
The Maine Council for the Social Studies, at its October 4 meeting, voted unanimously to endorse Joe Schmidt as candidate for the At-Large position on the NCSS Board of Directors. Joe has served in a leadership capacity in a variety of social studies organizations both in Maine, Wisconsin, and nationally. This includes his current position as Social Studies Specialist for the Maine Department of Education as well as serving on the MCSS Board.

Joe has served the past four years as a member of both the iCivics National Educator Network and the Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board. He currently serves on the Government and Public Relations Committee and previously chaired the select subcommittee for Social Studies for NCSS. Other distinguished recognition and positions include:

      •    K-12 Social Studies Teacher Leader for Curriculum & Instruction at the Madison Metropolitan
           School District
      •    Vice-President and Business Manager for the Wisconsin Council for the Social Studies
      •    Social Studies Advisory Council for the Wisconsin Department of Instruction
      •    Item and Content Reviewer for the Wisconsin Forward Exam
      •    Fellow at the Center for the Study of the American Constitution
      •    Teacher Study Abroad Program for the European Union Center for Excellence
      •    2017 Snavely/Michalko Memorial Award for outstanding service to social 
           studies community in Wisconsin
      •    2014 NCSS Summer Leadership Institute
Joe believes that social studies is the curriculum for how we live our lives and can be the cure to what ails us. Not only does it prepare students for tackling larger and deeper issues as they grow older, but it also sets the stage for well-rounded students who are not afraid to ask questions and explore their own curiosity about our world while also raising literacy rates and test scores. He believes deeply in social studies, but understands that educators need more support. There is so much potential, but we all realize there are barriers to successful implementation. As a former classroom teacher, who became a district level curriculum leader, and now as a state specialist, he has the background experience to address these barriers.

Joe believes that we must encourage all educators, including elementary teachers, to provide meaningful Social Studies education for all students. For example, demonstrating how literacy learning is stronger when history content is included and how mathematics in the context of even basic economics deepens those mathematical practices. He knows there is more work to do in our social studies classes and curriculum, but the leaders we will rely on in the future, need to be shaped in the K-12 classrooms of today.
The MCSS board knows that Joe has been a leader for social studies throughout his career and serves as a strong advocate for supporting not only social studies educators in Maine but throughout NCSS.

Interested in serving on the board of MCSS?
Apply now!

MCSS is hoping to add new members to the board! Want to join as a board member? 
Fill out an application on our website by December 15!

MCSS is now on Instagram!

Are you on Instagram? Join us!
Search for Maine Council for Social Studies and click follow!


Summer PD in Social Studies: Part 2

By Shane Gower

We next visited the Oise-Aine American Cemetery and the grave of my Silent Hero. It was a moving experience to deliver a eulogy at his grave site. I can’t wait to learn more about him and what he did during the war.

There were 24 teachers from around the country on this trip and at each cemetery we visited, we each took turns visiting the grave of our Silent Hero. By the end I had heard 24 eulogies and I was honestly moved by each and every one.

Visiting the American-related sites was amazing, but of course the US didn’t join the First World War until the final year of the conflict. To truly understand the War we had to spend some time learning about the War before the US became a combatant. So we visited the area where the Battle of Verdun happened. Arguably this is the site of the worst battle in human history. We started out by visiting the Village that no longer exists. Fleury was once a thriving French village of 500 people with various farmers and businesses. Thanks to the Battle of Verdun it was completely wiped off of the Earth. All there is there now are craters and concrete markers to tell you where homes and businesses once stood. This is jarring to say the least!

Next we went to the Ossuary at Verdun. In front are the graves of 20,000 French soldiers that could be identified. Inside the Ossuary are the bones of 130,000 French and German soldiers who could not be identified. Just a fraction of the 900,000 who died in this battle. To read about it is one thing, but to see it makes such an impression that its hard to explain.

While it was amazing to walk in the trenches where Americans were, it was even more amazing to walk in some German trenches. The Germans built permanent trenches for the long haul and so theirs have withstood the test of time much better!

We ended our trip staying in Metz and visiting the Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and the Lafayette Escadrille Memorial near Paris. The Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery is the largest in Europe with 15,000 Americans buried there. The Lafayette Escadrille Memorial contains the graves of 22 Americans who flew planes for France in the war and were killed before the US entered the war.

This trip was truly fantastic and would not have been possible without National History Day, the National Cemetery Administration, the American Battle Monuments Commission, and the WW1 Centennial Commission.

But wait…

My World War One Summer was just beginning! I then spent a week in a Gilder-Lehrman Institute for American History Summer Seminar in Kansas City, MO at the National World War One Museum and Memorial. Gilder-Lehrman offers many of these programs each summer located around the country. Each one bring in a known scholar for the week to lecture on a specific topic and incorporates local museums or historic sites. Dr. Jay Winter was the historian for this week called World War One and Its Aftermath. The Museum is loaded with artifacts and does a great job of telling the story of the war. We had a tremendous opportunity to see and handle historical artifacts and also to interact with a historian who has spent his life researching and writing about the First World War.

 feel very fortunate about and inspired by these opportunities and I can’t wait to bring them into my classroom! If any of this is of interest to you I encourage you to look to Understanding Sacrifice and the Gilder-Lehrman Institute for Summer PD next year!

In Flanders Fields
by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.


November 11, 2018 marks 100 years since when at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month - November 11, 11am - World War I officially came to an end.

Here are some resources for teaching World War I:

The National WWI Museum and Memorial

Library of Congress

Stanford History Education Group

National History Day
The Poetry of WWI
National Endowment for the Arts
World War I and the Maine Experience (Maine Historical Society)

A Message from National History in Maine

Through National History Day in Maine’s first five years we have proven that we can host quality contests, recruit dedicated teachers and judges, provide excellent resources to educators and students, win multiple awards at the national level, and serve as a model for smaller programs with fewer staff and minimal budgets. It’s been a long road to get to this point, but one we feel we have not completed. With the help of new collaborative partners and the hiring of an UMaine intern we are going to make even more strides this year.

The upcoming year for National History Day in Maine promises to be our largest to date.  For the first time ever we will host regional contests in Lewiston (Museum LA and the Lewiston Public Library) and Bangor (John Bapst Memorial High School)! As always, the state contest will be held at the University of Maine.  Teachers, judges, and event coordinators are looking forward to seeing the student research based projects connected to the annual theme—Triumph and Tragedy in History.

Maine’s first regional contest will take place on March 8, 2019 in Lewiston.  Two weeks later, on March 23, Bangor will host another--Bruce Whittier Middle School in Poland will hold an independent school-wide contest.  It is encouraging to see the enthusiasm from teachers, students, and parents about the regional contests.  Not only will the contests help grow the program, but more importantly it is another step in the research and development process where students can present their work, receive constructive feedback from professionals in the field, and edit and revise their projects as they prepare for the state contest at UMaine on April 27, 2019.

It is important to note that students MUST compete at the regional level to participate at the state contest. Registration for the regional contests open on January 4, 2019.  Soon we will also be putting a call out for judges to staff these events. I hope some of you will consider volunteering your time or encourage others to enrich a student’s experience. 

Please follow NHD in Maine on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Contact State Coordinator John Taylor ( or visit to learn more about the program or upcoming events. Visit for a full list of important contest deadlines.

Have a story you want to share for our SOCIAL STUDIES IN MAINE or SOCIAL STUDIES IN THE CLASSROOM spotlights? Submit it to the Maine Council for Social Studies at  

Opportunities for Teachers and Students

Dawnland, Upstander Project, November screenings - Upstander Project invites you to the following Maine screenings of DAWNLAND in November. DAWNLAND is a story of stolen children and cultural survival: inside the first truth and reconciliation commission for Native Americans. If you can't make it to a screening please consider hosting one in your community and checking out the free DAWNLAND teacher's guide.  Further details and ticket/RSVP info at

Fri. Nov. 10 at 6:30pm - Auburn
Thu. Nov. 15 at 7pm - Brunswick
Fri. Nov. 16 at 5:30pm - Portland
Fri. Nov. 16 at 6:30pm - Kennebunk
Thu. Nov 29 at 7pm - Brunswick

Geography Awareness Week, November 11-17 - Geography Awareness Week is November 11-17, 2018. This year's GIS Day will be held on Wednesday, November 14. GIS Day provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society. You can hold an open house, conduct a presentation or workshop, or be creative and hold some other sort of event that showcases what you are doing with GIS and why it matters.Read more about Geography Awareness Week on National Geographic's website and read more about GIS Day.

Maine in WWI, Holocaust and Human Rights Center, November 16 - On Friday, November 16, The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine is hosting Maine in WWI, a day-long seminar examining many aspects of Maine’s involvement in World War One, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the war. Historians, teachers, students, and life-long learners are encouraged to attend. The session will run from 8:30am-4:30pm. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Teachers will receive six contact hours for re-certification.

Teaching the Holocaust, Echoes and Reflections, Ellsworth High School, November 20 - How do we create impactful and thoughtful learning of the Holocaust with students? Join Echoes and Reflections for their signature professional development program to take place at Ellsworth High School on November 20. In this session, participants explore and gain access to a range of classroom content and consider instructional enhancements to support students' study and reflection of the history of the Holocaust and its ongoing meaning in the world today. Educators enhance their own knowledge about the Holocaust, including the history of antisemitism, and build confidence and capacity to teach this complex subject. Click here to register or contact Heidi Omlor at

When Teachers Believe, Students Achieve: The Power of Collective Efficacy, led by Jenni Donohoo, Augusta Civic Center, December 13 & 14, 2018Registration deadline is November 30 -  “Collective teacher efficacy is greater than three times more powerful and predictive of student achievement than socioeconomic status. It is more than double the effect of prior achievement and more than triple the effect of home environment and parental involvement.” (The Power of Collective Efficacy, Donohoo, Hattie, and Eells)  Collective efficacy has the strongest influence on student learning of any strategy identified by John Hattie (effect size of 1.57). Designed for school and district leaders, teacher leaders, and instructional coaches, this two-day experience will delve into the concept of collective efficacy and provide concrete strategies to work toward it.Fee is $300 for both days. Registration information is posted at 

National History Day in Maine, Registration for Regional Contests, opens January 4, 2019 - The upcoming year for National History Day in Maine promises to be our largest to date! For the first time ever we will host regional contests on March 8, 2019 in Lewiston (Museum LA and the Lewiston Public Library) and on March 23, 2019 in Bangor (John Bapst Memorial High School)! As always, the state contest will be held at the University of Maine. Bruce Whittier Middle School in Poland will hold an independent schoolwide contest.  Teachers, judges, and event coordinators are looking forward to seeing the student research based projects connected to the annual theme—Triumph and Tragedy in History.  It is important to note that students MUST compete at the regional level to participate at the state contest. Registration for the regional contests open on January 4, 2019.  Follow NHD in Maine on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Contact State Coordinator John Taylor ( or visit to learn more about the program or upcoming events. Visit for a full list of important contest deadlines.

Resources for Social Studies Teachers on Wabanaki History, Culture, an Contemporary Issues - Resources include the specific "Resource List for Elementray and Middle School Teachers" as well as information on how to obtain a copy of The Wabanakis of Maine and the Maritimes:

"Becoming American" Immigration Series, Museum L-A, September-November 2018 - Museum L-A and a group of community partners has been chosen as one of 32 sites across the country to host "Becoming American," a series of events using films, literature, music, food, dance, art, and theater to talk about local and national immigration. All events are free and open to the public. There are opportunities for classes and youth groups to make use of program materials, which include a set of films, scholar essays, resource lists, and discussion questions. Program information is available online at  For more information or to get involved, contact Kate Webber at (207) 333-3881 or

National Geographic Education, NatGeo Educator Community - National Geographic Education is creating a digital NatGeo Educator community and you are invited to become charter members.  This is set to launch in early 2018.  It will allow you to engage with National Geographic explorers, staff, and like-minded educators from around the world.  You will also have the opportunity to opt in and be the first to know about online opportunities, events, training, resources and programs.  
Please join by clicking the link below and filling out the requested information.  Though you may already be on the Maine Geographic Alliance email list, please opt into communication from us to ensure that all of your communication preferences are captured.  Thank you!

National Institute for Civil Discourse, Reviving Civility, ongoing - Incivility in America has reached epidemic proportions. In far too many instances rudeness, disrespect and hostility sideline collaboration and compromise. NICD is spearheading a national grassroots initiative to revive civility and respect that gives Americans solution-oriented actions to do so. Citizens and policy makers nationwide are stepping forward and becoming community connectors who agree to promote civility and respect in their community. Individuals and groups within communities are coming together around the desire to change the tone of our democracy. From urban to rural communities, we’re seeing policy makers, schools & universities (faculty and students), civic groups, business leaders, faith based communities, media leaders and others joining in this call. If you are tired of incivility, join us in reviving civility and respect:
For more information, contact: Mark Hews, Maine State Organizer
Email: Phone: (207) 577-0209

Uncovering America, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, ongoing -  The National Gallery of Art has is working on a national project and curriculum called Uncovering America, which looks at the intersection of art and history, and delves into how artists have both shaped and reflected history, and our understandings of what America/American identity is. Though the curriculum draws on works of art, of course, as the main primary sources, the project  was developed in hopes of filling a gap for history and social studies educators. The project seeks 1-2 history educators in each state to try some of it out and give feedback. Learn more at

Maine Humanities Council programming, ongoing - Did you know the Maine Humanities Council has lots of programming around the entire state of Maine? Check out all the offerings online!

Giant Traveling Map of Maine, Maine Geographic Alliance, ongoing - The National Geographic Education Foundation has given each member of the Alliance network, two ‘giant’ maps. The Maine map is 17 ft by 20 ft and includes major cities, Native lands, and topographic features such as rivers, lakes and elevation.  he trunk that houses the map also includes teacher materials for grades 2-5.   There are supporting materials including an activity book with standards’ based lessons, lanyards, plastic cups and cones, plastic chains, Maine Ag in the classroom resources, state and national flags, the Maine classroom Atlas and more.  Schools may use the map and materials at no cost. This is a floor map and students may walk on it with socks on. No shoes or writing materials are to be used on the map.
If you are interested in scheduling one of the maps for your school, please contact Susan Lahti at  Put GTMMaine in the subject line.    

Maine Historical Society educational programming, ongoing -  Maine Historical Society offers a variety of programs and resources designed to help teachers and students explore Maine history. These include programs at our one-acre campus in Portland and in schools across the state, professional development opportunities for teachers, outreach programs, partnerships with schools around Maine, and resources on the web.  All programs draw on MHS's extensive historical collections and the knowledge of our professional staff. All our programs can be adapted to meet the needs of students in grades K–16 and have been designed in accordance with Maine Learning Results and Common Core State Standards. To learn more visit our website or email

Maine State Museum, Tours and Gallery Programs & State House Tours and Blaine House Tours, ongoing - Let us help you plan a field trip to Augusta and the State House Complex!  The Maine State Museum offers over 20 different educational programs and tours about Maine’s natural environment, prehistory, industry and agriculture, and social history. Take a look at our website  for easy online reservations and detailed descriptions of all our educator-led gallery programs and tours. Don’t forget we can also help you schedule Maine State House Tours and Blaine House Tours.  Museum admission and all of our tours and gallery programs are free for schools!  Reservations Recommended for all Group Visits.  For reservations and more information: or 207-287-2301

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, Free Educational Outreach, ongoing - The HHRC provides educational outreach to schools and community groups throughout Maine free of charge. These programs focus on issues relating to the Holocaust and human rights.  Our outreach programs are available to bring to your school, or you’re welcome to schedule a visit to the Michael Klahr Center.  For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530.

MCSS July - August 2018 Newsletter

MCSS July - August 2018 Newsletter

We can help keep you up-to-date on all things Social Studies this summer!

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. ~ Socrates

Announcements & News

The Glenn Nerbak
Excellence in Teaching Grants Program

September 4 application deadline!

The winner(s) will be announced at the 2018 Social Studies Conference.

The Glenn Nerbak Award for Excellence in Teaching Social Studies is awarded annually Maine teachers who exemplify a passion and commitment to social studies and student learning.  This teaching grant of up to $1,000 is intended to support teachers in their commitment to extending learning beyond the classroom through civic education, social justice, and/or service learning. The number of grants awarded each year will depend on the number of applications and the amounts requested.

Winners are required to present about their funded project at the 2019 MCSS Social Studies Conference. Applications are now being accepted at Glenn Nerbak Excellence Award.

Glenn Nerbak, a former social studies teacher and Director of the Portland Mentoring Alliance at Portland High School, served as the MCSS Board President from 2008 - 2014. In that capacity he spent countless hours creating bi-monthly newsletters and organizing an annual conference — the only statewide professional development opportunity specific to social studies. Under Glenn’s leadership, this annual conference and bi-monthly newsletter provided more than 1,000 classroom teachers with affordable and high-quality professional development experiences and resources.  His leadership and determination was instrumental in cultivating and expanding the membership and visibility of MCSS. It is in this spirit that each year, an outstanding social studies educator who shares Glenn’s passion for teaching and learning, as well as his focus on social justice, will be awarded a grant to fund a social studies project or program in their school.

Have you seen our new blog?

Check out the MCSS website for our new blog
with posts from board President Shane Gower! 

MCSS is here to help you stay up to date on all the Social Studies news in Maine for teachers and students.  Be sure to visit our website and Facebook page, and encourage your colleagues to sign-up for our newsletter!


Greely Middle School Students Win at National Contest

      Don Strawbridge and Matthew Gilbert, from North Yarmouth and Cumberland respectively, won first place for their documentary about Senator George Mitchell’s efforts to bring peace to Northern Ireland at the National History Day competition held at the University of Maryland on June 10-14, 2018.  The ten minute film is entitled “From Conflict to Compromise: How a Negotiator from Maine Brought Peace to Northern Ireland,” and included their interview with the retired Senator.
      Greely Middle School student Connor Albert from North Yarmouth also took home a top prize.  He was awarded the Lee Allen History of Baseball Award for his documentary about Jackie Robinson’s involvement in the civil rights movement entitled “To Enrich the Future, Not to Avenge the Past: How Jackie Robinson’s Compromise with Branch Rickey in Major League Baseball Led to Robinson Joining the Conflict of the Civil Rights Movement.”
      Other award winners included Lucie Noonan from Greely Middle School (junior division) and Sam Yoo from John Bapst Memorial High School (senior division) for the Outstanding Affiliate Award for Maine.
Strawbridge, Gilbert, Albert, and forty-seven other middle and high school students from Maine earned the right to compete in one of five categories at the national event based upon their entries at the state level.  The state contest was held at the University of Maine on April 7, 2018.  The top two finishers in each category were eligible to compete in Maryland.  
      These young scholars competed against students from all fifty states, three territories and three foreign countries during the week-long event.  Aside from presenting their work to judges, students also spent time in Washington DC meeting Senators Angus King and Susan Collins and touring the Library of Congress.  Everyone received their awards during the closing ceremony held at the Xfinity Center at the University of Maryland on June 14, 2018.  Strawbridge, Gilbert, and Albert will all collect a $1,000 scholarship.
      National History Day is a nationally recognized academic enrichment program promoting the study of history in schools by encouraging students to take a creative approach to studying the past. Participating students develop research papers, exhibits, documentaries, performances, or websites based on a topic they select connected to an annual theme. These entries are then evaluated by educators and people working in the field of history. The 2018 theme, “Conflict and Compromise in History” encouraged students to explore many interesting topics related to local, state, national, and world history.
National History Day in Maine is a collaboration of the University of Maine, the Margaret Chase Smith Library, the Maine Masonic College, Maine Humanities Council and the Maine Historical Society.  
      Next year’s theme is “Triumph and Tragedy in History.” Regional Contests will be on March 8, 2019 at Museum LA (Lewiston) and March 23, 2019 at John Bapst Memorial High School (Bangor). The state contest will take place on April 27, 2019 at the University of Maine.  The competition is open to all Maine middle or high school students.  For more information, contact State Coordinator John Taylor at or 207-474-7133.


Professional Development with The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine

This summer The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine offers three excellent opportunities for teachers to dig deeper into specific areas of Holocaust and human rights studies, and to share ideas with colleagues.  All three programs will be held at the Michael Klahr Center on the campus of the University of Maine at Augusta, 46 University Drive, Augusta, Maine.  To register, visit

Teaching the Malaga Island Story in the Classroom
Wednesday and Thursday, July 11th and 12th

Holocaust and Human Behavior seminar in partnership with Facing History and Ourselves
Wednesday and Thursday, July 25th and 26th

Yearning to Breathe Free: The Immigrant Experience in Maine
Wednesday and Thursday, August 1st and 2nd

The workshops are held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day, and the registration cost includes light breakfast, lunch, and snacks all day; and 12 contact hours for recertification.


Teaching the Malaga Island Story in the Classroom, July 11th and 12th

The tragic story of Malaga Island is one of the darker chapters of Maine’s history. Historians and descendants of the family will share parts of the history. This program will also incorporate a Structured Academic Controversy about Malaga Island as a way to incorporate discussions about challenging issues into the classroom. Presenting partners include the Maine Historical Society, the Maine State Museum, and special guests.  The HHRC is also planning a temporary exhibit about Malaga featuring some artifacts from the collection of the Maine State Museum, and some new work created by artists in honor of the story.  Registration for the Malaga Island Summer Seminar is $100 per person. Please note: The Malaga Island Seminar is nearly full. Register soon!

Holocaust and Human Behavior seminar in partnership with Facing History and Ourselves
July 25th and 26th

 In today’s world, questions of how to best build and maintain democratic societies that are pluralistic, open, and resilient to violence are more relevant than ever. Studying the Holocaust allows students to wrestle with profound moral questions raised by this history and fosters their skills in ethical reasoning, critical thinking, empathy, and civic engagement—all of which are critical for sustaining democracy. In this two-day workshop—featuring the fully revised, digital edition of Holocaust and Human Behavior—teachers will:

• Learn current scholarship on the history of the Holocaust and new research focused on human behavior, group dynamics, and bias

• Increase their ability to facilitate respectful classroom discussions on difficult issues such as racism, antisemitism, and other forms of exclusion in a way that invites personal reflection and critical analysis

• Learn a new way of structuring curriculum to help students connect history to their own lives and the choices they make

• Engage with classroom-ready multimedia resources and learn how to build a customized unit that meets your curriculum objectives

• Discover new teaching strategies that help students interrogate text, think critically, and discuss controversial issues respectfully

 This workshop is intended for middle and high school teachers of history, literature and humanities. Independent evaluation has shown that implementing Facing History’s approach improves students’ higher-order thinking skills, increases students’ civic efficacy and engagement with civic matters, and increases students’ tolerance for others who hold contrary views from their own.  Registration for the seminar is $150, which includes a hard copy of the latest Holocaust and Human Behavior book from Facing History and Ourselves, as well as access to all Facing History on-line resources and library.

Yearning to Breathe Free: The Immigrant Experience in Maine, August 1st and 2nd

Inspired by the popularity of HHRC’s 2016 exhibit and the educational outreach program of the same name, this program will focus on specific aspects of Maine’s history of immigration, and provide firsthand accounts of immigration today. This is a program of stories and resources to provide tools that can be incorporated to classrooms.  This is a workshop that includes many guest speakers of different nationalities and heritages. It is a reflection of the diversity of Maine in the past and present.  Registration for the Yearning to Breathe Free Seminar is $100 per person.

To register, visit

The HHRC has arranged for room discounts at some local hotels, and modest scholarships are available for those teachers who are traveling more than 75 miles to attend a seminar. Contact program director David Greenham for more information.


Social Studies based Summer Camps with
Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion

Junior Docent Camp, July 23 - 27, Maine Historical Society and the Wadsworth Longfellow House

Ever wonder what life was like before video games? Looking for a chance to step back in time? Want to be a history detective? Participants in the Junior Docent Camp will explore life in 18th and 19th century Portland and go behind the scenes of Maine’s oldest historic house museum. The camp is based at the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, boyhood home of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The mix of indoor and outdoor activities will include 18th and 19th century games, crafts, cooking, and storytelling. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and work with library and museum staff. At the end of the week, all participants will be fully trained and prepared to give a tour of the house to family members and guests. After the tour, families and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and Henry’s favorite treat! July 23 - Friday, July 27, 9:00am - 1:00pm daily.  Students entering 3rd - 5th grades. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:

Adventures in History Camp, July 30 - August 3, Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion

Ever wish you had a chance to explore the history of a whole city? Want to see and learn about amazing things that few people get to see? Looking for a chance to step back in time?  Participants in the Adventures in History Camp will have the chance to go behind the scenes at not one but two of Portland’s premier historic sites; Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion! Campers will learn about material culture and life in the Victorian era through an exciting mix of indoor and outdoor activities, special field trips, and hands-on instruction from experts in historic preservation and traditional arts. We will get a glimpse of life in the past by exploring photography, cooking, arts and crafts, and even spooky cemetery symbolism! Participants will meet and work with a variety of museum staff and volunteers including curators, historians, educators, docents, and artists. At the end of the week, all participants will gather at Maine Historical Society to share their newfound knowledge and skills in a historian’s showcase for family members and guests. After the presentation, families, and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and celebration! July 30 - August 2, 9:00am - 3:00pm daily.  Students entering 6th-8th grades or MHS Junior Docent Camp graduates. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:


Craft Adventures Day Camp at Museum L-A

Tuesday, July 24, 9 am to 2 pm

Join Museum L-A in Lewiston for Craft Adventures Day Camp! The camp is open to kids age 8-13 and is limited to the first 20 who sign up.  Museum L-A's educators will lead children through three separate hands-on craft activities throughout the day: make your own glove stuffed animal, create origami creatures, and weave your own bracelet or bookmark! The day features guided explorations of the summer exhibit, The Lost Art of Handiwork, and Museum L-A's permanent exhibit in the historic Bates Mill. They will learn how crafts and handiwork shaped the cities and experience the history first-hand! The $55 per child program fee includes materials and a choice of lunch provided  by E. Claire & Pastries. Register by July 20th at

Contact: Kate Webber,, 207-333-3881


Forum 2018: Disciplinary Literacy
August 2018
with Joe Schmidt

Are you interested in learning more about DISCIPLINARY LITERACY in the social studies classroom? Join the Maine DOE Social Studies Forum 2018 in August with sessions in Augusta, Bangor, Portland, and Presque Isle. Each location will have one day focused on pK-6 Elementary teachers and one day focused on 6-12 Secondary teachers.  *NOTE* You will only need to attend one session as the elementary/secondary sessions are not sequential and the four locations will have the same training.

This FREE workshop will walk teachers through current research about disciplinary literacy in social studies, provide resources to examine current practices, and provide time and support for the creation of your own unit that can be used in the upcoming school year. Teachers are encouraged to bring members of your department/district and use the day to update current units of instruction with research based best practices.

See below for locations and dates and click HERE to register.

Presque Isle/UMPI - 8/6-8/7
Portland/Maine Historical Society - 8/14-8/15
Augusta/Cross Building - 8/21-8/22
Orono/UMO - 8/28-8/29


What do you think?

MCSS has been approached by Mr. Keith Ludden who does oral histories and folklife research with a proposal to do an oral history on the current opioid epidemic. He is curious to know if social studies teachers in Maine would and could make use of this research. Thus, we are asking the social studies teachers of Maine the following;

              If an oral history project focusing on opioid abuse were conducted and
              made available to you in the form of interview transcripts, images and
              podcasts, would you use it? If not,why not?  Would the nature of the
              material or the topic itself be a barrier to use in the classroom? What would
              make the project useful to you?

Thank you for your participation and commentary on this very important issue facing our nation, state and local community. Please, visit the MCSS blog and click on the subject headline "The Opioid Epidemic"  to leave your comments and questions.

Have a story you want to share for our SOCIAL STUDIES IN MAINE or SOCIAL STUDIES IN THE CLASSROOM spotlights? Submit it to the Maine Council for Social Studies at  

Opportunities for Teachers and Students

HHRC, Professional Development Opportunities, July-August 2018 - This summer The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine offers three excellent opportunities for teachers to dig deeper into specific areas of Holocaust and human rights studies, and to share ideas with colleagues.  All three programs will be held at the Michael Klahr Center on the campus of the University of Maine at Augusta, 46 University Drive, Augusta, Maine.

Teaching the Malaga Island Story in the Classroom
Wednesday and Thursday, July 11th and 12th

Holocaust and Human Behavior seminar in partnership with Facing History and Ourselves
Wednesday and Thursday, July 25th and 26th

Yearning to Breathe Free: The Immigrant Experience in Maine
Wednesday and Thursday, August 1st and 2nd.

The workshops are held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day, and the registration cost includes light breakfast, lunch, and snacks all day; and 12 contact hours for recertification.  
To register, visit

USM, Summer 2018 Professional Development Opportunity for Maine Social Studies Educators, July 16-20, 9am-3pm - HTY 534: Maine History, is a 3-credit graduate course designed primarily for K-12 educators looking to further their knowledge of the scope of Maine History, working with primary sources (esp. maps and photographs), and other high impact educational practices, e.g. student centered learning, hands-on activities, experiential learning, field trips, project based learning, etc. This one-week intensive course will be held in the Osher Map Library on the University of Southern Maine's Portland campus, and will include field trips to local archives and museums, including the Portland Museum of Art and the Maine Historical Society. Students will have two weeks beyond the end of the course to complete the coursework, which includes a site visit, small research project, and varied lesson and unit plans. The course is also available for undergraduate credit if you prefer.  For more information, please contact Professor Libby Bischof, Professor of History at USM: or 780-5219. To register for the course, please go on Mainestreet, or call the Registrar’s Office: (207) 780-5230. Teachers may enroll up until the course cap is reached.

Maine Historical Society, Junior Docent Camp, July 23 - 27 -  Ever wonder what life was like before video games? Looking for a chance to step back in time? Want to be a history detective? Participants in the Junior Docent Camp will explore life in 18th and 19th century Portland and go behind the scenes of Maine’s oldest historic house museum. The camp is based at the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, boyhood home of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The mix of indoor and outdoor activities will include 18th and 19th century games, crafts, cooking, and storytelling. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and work with library and museum staff. At the end of the week, all participants will be fully trained and prepared to give a tour of the house to family members and guests. After the tour, families and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and Henry’s favorite treat! July 23 - Friday, July 27, 9:00am - 1:00pm daily.  Students entering 3rd - 5th grades. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:

Museum L-A, Craft Adventures Day Camp, July 24, 9 am to 2 pm -  Join Museum L-A in Lewiston for Craft Adventures Day Camp! The camp is open to kids age 8-13 and is limited to the first 20 who sign up. 
 Museum L-A's educators will lead children through three separate hands-on craft activities throughout the day: make your own glove stuffed animal, create origami creatures, and weave your own bracelet or bookmark! The day features guided explorations of the summer exhibit, The Lost Art of Handiwork, and Museum L-A's permanent exhibit in the historic Bates Mill. They will learn how crafts and handiwork shaped the cities and experience the history first-hand! The $55 per child program fee includes materials and a choice of lunch provided  by E. Claire & Pastries. Register by July 20th at
Contact: Kate Webber,, 207-333-3881

Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion, Adventures in History Camp, July 30 - August 3 - Ever wish you had a chance to explore the history of a whole city? Want to see and learn about amazing things that few people get to see? Looking for a chance to step back in time?  Participants in the Adventures in History Camp will have the chance to go behind the scenes at not one but two of Portland’s premier historic sites; Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion! Campers will learn about material culture and life in the Victorian era through an exciting mix of indoor and outdoor activities, special field trips, and hands-on instruction from experts in historic preservation and traditional arts. We will get a glimpse of life in the past by exploring photography, cooking, arts and crafts, and even spooky cemetery symbolism! Participants will meet and work with a variety of museum staff and volunteers including curators, historians, educators, docents, and artists. At the end of the week, all participants will gather at Maine Historical Society to share their newfound knowledge and skills in a historian’s showcase for family members and guests. After the presentation, families, and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and celebration! July 30 - August 2, 9:00am - 3:00pm daily.  Students entering 6th-8th grades or MHS Junior Docent Camp graduates. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:

Upstander Project, Upstander Academy, July 29 - August 3 - The Upstander Project and the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut are proud to present the 2018 Upstander Academy, an inquiry-based professional development opportunity for secondary educators with a focus on genocide and human rights education to foster upstanding and address complex historical and current issues. The Academy begins and ends at the University of Connecticut-Storrs. Participants will explore new content about post-genocide Rwanda and genocide against Native peoples in New England, test innovative teaching methods that support the Inquiry arc, and critical and creative thinking, learn to work with primary sources and learning activities using materials and tools from the Library of Congress, practice and model the skills of upstanders in their classrooms, museums, and communities, and become part of a growing professional community of colleagues that integrates human rights and genocide education into classrooms and museums. Learn more and register at

MAMLE, Conference Exhibitors, August 1 deadline - While Maine schools are wrapping up for the year, we are excited to be planning the Maine Association for Middle Level Education’s 30th annual conference. This year, our conference will be held Thursday, October 18 and Friday, October 19, 2018 at Point Lookout in Northport, Maine. The Maine Association for Middle Level Education (MAMLE) is a grass-roots organization focused on supporting professionals, parents, and communities of students in grades five through nine. Ours is the only conference in northern New England to focus on this special group of educators and supporters, and we would love to have you join us!
As a registered exhibitor, we offer five options to connect with over 100 middle level educators and administrators from across our beautiful state.  Please use the following link or complete the attached form to let us know which option works best for you and your organization no later than August 1, 2018.
Please note that if you are travelling, room reservations must be made directly with Point Lookout. Please be sure to specify “MAMLE” for a discounted rate (  or call 207-789-2000).  If you have any questions, please contact Erin Hoffses, Co-Conference Coordinator at

Forum 2018: Disciplinary Literacy, August 2018 - Are you interested in learning more about DISCIPLINARY LITERACY in the social studies classroom? Join the Maine DOE Social Studies Forum 2018 in August with sessions in Augusta, Bangor, Portland, and Presque Isle. Each location will have one day focused on pK-6 Elementary teachers and one day focused on 6-12 Secondary teachers.  *NOTE* You will only need to attend one session as the elementary/secondary sessions are not sequential and the four locations will have the same training.
This FREE workshop will walk teachers through current research about disciplinary literacy in social studies, provide resources to examine current practices, and provide time and support for the creation of your own unit that can be used in the upcoming school year. Teachers are encouraged to bring members of your department/district and use the day to update current units of instruction with research based best practices. See below for locations and dates and click HERE to register. Presque Isle/UMPI - 8/6-8/7, Portland/Maine Historical Society - 8/14-8/15, Augusta/Cross Building - 8/21-8/22, Orono/UMO - 8/28-8/29

National Geographic Education, NatGeo Educator Community - National Geographic Education is creating a digital NatGeo Educator community and you are invited to become charter members.  This is set to launch in early 2018.  It will allow you to engage with National Geographic explorers, staff, and like-minded educators from around the world.  You will also have the opportunity to opt in and be the first to know about online opportunities, events, training, resources and programs.  
Please join by clicking the link below and filling out the requested information.  Though you may already be on the Maine Geographic Alliance email list, please opt into communication from us to ensure that all of your communication preferences are captured.  Thank you!

National WWII Museum, Summer Teacher Institute, Summer 2018 - Explore World War II in New Orleans and Hawaii!  Applications for The National WWII Museum’s Summer Teacher Institute are now OPEN! This 16-month professional development experience for middle and high school teachers includes a weeklong seminar at the Museum in New Orleans (July 22-28, 2018), plus a trip to explore WWII-related historic sites in and around Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (July 21-27, 2019). This year’s institute focuses on the US Home Front, and will include seminar discussions with top WWII scholars, guided tours of the Museum’s innovative exhibits, artifact analysis, and interaction with WWII veterans. Participants receive up to six hours of graduate credit for participation. Travel, graduate tuition, and seminar materials are provided free of charge by the Museum. For full details and the application, visit 

Upgraded Website, Oral History and Folklife Research, Inc. - Oral History and Folklife Research, Inc. ( has this week launched a revamped website that includes full audio and full transcription of most interviews.  The site contains interviews from three projects.  The ADA At 25, a project completed in 2015, marked the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act, interviewing disability rights activists about their struggle for accessibility. The Last Sardine Cannery includes conversations with workers, managers, and fishing boat captains who worked in the sardine industry in Maine; and Immigrant Voices includes interviews with new Mainers.  Teachers, students and researchers can access the site and listen to podcasts created from interviews, read full interview transcripts, and listen to complete interviews, to learn what it was like to work in Maine’s now extinct sardine industry, or how new Mainers have adapted to life in a new home. Oral History and Folklife Research is a 501(c)(3) non profit dedicated to preserving through sound, image and performance, the stories, voices and cultural traditions of Maine and beyond.  OHFR engages with communities and families to preserve our treasured cultural history and the stories that illuminate them. 

National Institute for Civil Discourse, Reviving Civility, ongoing - Incivility in America has reached epidemic proportions. In far too many instances rudeness, disrespect and hostility sideline collaboration and compromise. NICD is spearheading a national grassroots initiative to revive civility and respect that gives Americans solution-oriented actions to do so. Citizens and policy makers nationwide are stepping forward and becoming community connectors who agree to promote civility and respect in their community. Individuals and groups within communities are coming together around the desire to change the tone of our democracy. From urban to rural communities, we’re seeing policy makers, schools & universities (faculty and students), civic groups, business leaders, faith based communities, media leaders and others joining in this call. If you are tired of incivility, join us in reviving civility and respect:
For more information, contact: Mark Hews, Maine State Organizer
Email: Phone: (207) 577-0209

Maine Humanities Council programming, ongoing - Did you know the Maine Humanities Council has lots of programming around the entire state of Maine? Check out all the offerings online!

Giant Traveling Map of Maine, Maine Geographic Alliance, ongoing - The National Geographic Education Foundation has given each member of the Alliance network, two ‘giant’ maps. The Maine map is 17 ft by 20 ft and includes major cities, Native lands, and topographic features such as rivers, lakes and elevation.  he trunk that houses the map also includes teacher materials for grades 2-5.   There are supporting materials including an activity book with standards’ based lessons, lanyards, plastic cups and cones, plastic chains, Maine Ag in the classroom resources, state and national flags, the Maine classroom Atlas and more.  Schools may use the map and materials at no cost. This is a floor map and students may walk on it with socks on. No shoes or writing materials are to be used on the map.
If you are interested in scheduling one of the maps for your school, please contact Susan Lahti at  Put GTMMaine in the subject line.    

Maine Historical Society educational programming, ongoing -  Maine Historical Society offers a variety of programs and resources designed to help teachers and students explore Maine history. These include programs at our one-acre campus in Portland and in schools across the state, professional development opportunities for teachers, outreach programs, partnerships with schools around Maine, and resources on the web.  All programs draw on MHS's extensive historical collections and the knowledge of our professional staff. All our programs can be adapted to meet the needs of students in grades K–16 and have been designed in accordance with Maine Learning Results and Common Core State Standards. To learn more visit our website or email 

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, Free Educational Outreach, ongoing - The HHRC provides educational outreach to schools and community groups throughout Maine free of charge. These programs focus on issues relating to the Holocaust and human rights.  Our outreach programs are available to bring to your school, or you’re welcome to schedule a visit to the Michael Klahr Center.  For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530

Maine Council for the Social Studies · PO Box 2211 · South Portland, ME 04116 · USA

May/June 2018 Newsletter

MCSS May - June 2018 Newsletter

Spring into Social Studies!

Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. ~ Samuel Johnson

Announcements & News


The Maine Council for the Social Studies invites you to propose a workshop session for the 2018 MCSS Conference that will be held on October 22, 2018 at the Augusta Civic Center. The theme of the conference is: How Do You Teach in Today’s Climate: Social Studies Education in a Polarized World.

We are looking for K-4, 5-8, and 9-12 educators and school specialists that are willing to share best practices and content knowledge in the areas of geography, economics, history, technology, global studies, civics, sociology, psychology, and humanities. Content teachers outside of the social studies are encouraged to submit interdisciplinary proposals that connect to the social studies.

Date for final submissions is June 12, 2018.
Conference presenters will be notified by the end of July.


Have you seen our new blog?

Check out the MCSS website for our new blog
with posts from board President Shane Gower! 

MCSS is here to help you stay up to date on all the Social Studies news in Maine for teachers and students.  Be sure to visit our website and Facebook page, and encourage your colleagues to sign-up for our newsletter!

Free PD and connect online!

Did you know that Twitter is a great way to engage in free PD around Social Studies education? Please join us the first Thursday of each month on Twitter from 7-8pm by searching for: #SocStudME. You can engage in professional development with other educators around the State and across the country by using #SocStudME. Each month has a different theme.

June is hosted by MCSS President Shane Gower and the theme is "Refresh and Recharge: Summer PD". Please join us on June 7 from 7-8 and use #SocStudME.


Maine National History Day Competition Results

Nearly 400 students, teachers, and parents participated in the National History Day in Maine State Contest on April 7, 2018 at the University of Maine. This year’s theme was Conflict and Compromise in History. Each year NHD challenges Maine students to perform at their best and State Coordinator John Taylor is pleased that 33 student entries, 21 teachers, and 58 students are now eligible to represent Maine at the national competition, June 10-14 at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland. A complete list of winners can be found HERE. The collaborative efforts of the University of Maine, the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation, Maine Humanities Council, and the Maine Historical Society ensured this year’s contest was a success.

*Next year’s theme will be Triumph and Tragedy in History. Two regional contests will be held in March, 2019 in Bangor and Lewiston-Auburn.  The state contest will be April 27, 2019 in Orono.*


Maine Innovation Expo at Museum L-A

Saturday, May 19th, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Join Museum L-A and over 50 exhibitors from across the state who are gathering to celebrate the past, present, and future of innovation and invention in Maine. Historical exhibitors include the Maine Seacoast Trolley Museum, the Margaret Chase Smith Library, and the Maine State Museum. This is a jam-packed day of hands-on games, activities, and learning! The event is free to attend, open to all ages, and includes thrilling performances by AudioBody and Michael Menes. 

Reserve your free tickets now at
For more information call or email Kate Webber at 207-333-3881 or 


Kids as Curators Exhibit Opening at Museum L-A
Wednesday, May 23, 6:00-7:30 pm

Join Museum L-A for the opening reception of a history exhibit curated by a Lewiston High School 8th grade social studies class! The reception will be held in Museum L-A's gallery at 35 Canal St, Lewiston. The event is free and open to the public. 


Maine Humanities Council, Lit & Ed
A Maine Humanities Council Book Group

The Maine Humanities Council offers facilitated reading and discussion groups for professionals who work with students in a school setting — teachers, educational technicians, administrators, guidance counselors, and other school staff.

Groups read literature – novels, poems, essays, stories – and meet at their own school, at times convenient to them.  Discussions are an opportunity for joint reflection, through literature, on ideas and issues important to participants’ lives and work.  Lit & Ed qualifies for professional development contact hours. 

Register by May 30 to host a group in the next school year.  FMI and to register: or email


Maine Geographic Alliance Geo-Inquiry Summer Institute
June 26-28

MGA is sponsoring a 3 day summer institute regarding the GeoInquiry process from June 26-28 on the UMF campus in Farmington.  Two Maine teachers attended the National Geographic summer institute in 2017 and will facilitate this “teachers training teachers” institute.  All expenses are paid for by the MGA and housing will be offered on the UMF campus.  Two person teams of middle school teachers in social studies, technology, and science are preferred.  

For more information, contact Sue Lahti and put summer GeoInquiry institute in the subject line. 


Social Studies based Summer Camps with
Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion

Junior Docent Camp, July 23 - 27, Maine Historical Society and the Wadsworth Longfellow House

Ever wonder what life was like before video games? Looking for a chance to step back in time? Want to be a history detective? Participants in the Junior Docent Camp will explore life in 18th and 19th century Portland and go behind the scenes of Maine’s oldest historic house museum. The camp is based at the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, boyhood home of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The mix of indoor and outdoor activities will include 18th and 19th century games, crafts, cooking, and storytelling. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and work with library and museum staff. At the end of the week, all participants will be fully trained and prepared to give a tour of the house to family members and guests. After the tour, families and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and Henry’s favorite treat! July 23 - Friday, July 27, 9:00am - 1:00pm daily.  Students entering 3rd - 5th grades. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:

Adventures in History Camp, July 30 - August 3, Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion

Ever wish you had a chance to explore the history of a whole city? Want to see and learn about amazing things that few people get to see? Looking for a chance to step back in time?  Participants in the Adventures in History Camp will have the chance to go behind the scenes at not one but two of Portland’s premier historic sites; Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion! Campers will learn about material culture and life in the Victorian era through an exciting mix of indoor and outdoor activities, special field trips, and hands-on instruction from experts in historic preservation and traditional arts. We will get a glimpse of life in the past by exploring photography, cooking, arts and crafts, and even spooky cemetery symbolism! Participants will meet and work with a variety of museum staff and volunteers including curators, historians, educators, docents, and artists. At the end of the week, all participants will gather at Maine Historical Society to share their newfound knowledge and skills in a historian’s showcase for family members and guests. After the presentation, families, and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and celebration! July 30 - August 2, 9:00am - 3:00pm daily.  Students entering 6th-8th grades or MHS Junior Docent Camp graduates. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:


Forum 2018: Disciplinary Literacy
August 2018
with Joe Schmidt

Are you interested in learning more about DISCIPLINARY LITERACY in the social studies classroom? Join the Maine DOE Social Studies Forum 2018 in August with sessions in Augusta, Bangor, Portland, and Presque Isle. Each location will have one day focused on pK-6 Elementary teachers and one day focused on 6-12 Secondary teachers.  *NOTE* You will only need to attend one session as the elementary/secondary sessions are not sequential and the four locations will have the same training.

This FREE workshop will walk teachers through current research about disciplinary literacy in social studies, provide resources to examine current practices, and provide time and support for the creation of your own unit that can be used in the upcoming school year. Teachers are encouraged to bring members of your department/district and use the day to update current units of instruction with research based best practices.

See below for locations and dates and click HERE to register.

Presque Isle/UMPI - 8/6-8/7
Portland/Maine Historical Society - 8/14-8/15
Augusta/Cross Building - 8/21-8/22
Orono/UMO - 8/28-8/29


What do you think?

MCSS has been approached by Mr. Keith Ludden who does oral histories and folklife research with a proposal to do an oral history on the current opioid epidemic. He is curious to know if social studies teachers in Maine would and could make use of this research. Thus, we are asking the social studies teachers of Maine the following;

              If an oral history project focusing on opioid abuse were conducted and
              made available to you in the form of interview transcripts, images and
              podcasts, would you use it? If not,why not?  Would the nature of the
              material or the topic itself be a barrier to use in the classroom? What would
              make the project useful to you?

Thank you for your participation and commentary on this very important issue facing our nation, state and local community. Please, visit the MCSS blog and click on the subject headline "The Opioid Epidemic"  to leave your comments and questions.

Have a story you want to share for our SOCIAL STUDIES IN MAINE or SOCIAL STUDIES IN THE CLASSROOM spotlights? Submit it to the Maine Council for Social Studies at  

Opportunities for Teachers and Students

Maine Innovation Expo, Museum L-A, May 19, 2018 10 am - 3 pm - The Maine Innovation Expo celebrates creativity, spirit, ingenuity and innovation in Maine. It brings local and state-wide businesses together with talented students to showcase the wide range of innovative work and play across the state. Exhibitors and entertainers come to the Bates Mill to show their inspiring work. The event is both fun and educational, with interactive activities and exhibits for all ages. There is no cost to attend, though we will have online registration available in advance. The Expo provides a platform to connect generations, inspiring our young to explore careers that will strengthen our community and state. Many Mainers believe that their children need to leave the state to get a good education and a good job in the fields of science, technology, design and manufacturing. The Maine Innovation Expo shows families the organizations, schools, and businesses who do exciting work right here in Maine.
To find out more, please contact Kate Webber at 207-333-3881 or 

Kids as Curators Exhibit Opening at Museum L-A, May 23, 6:00-7:30 pm - Join Museum L-A for the opening reception of a history exhibit curated by a Lewiston High School 8th grade social studies class! The reception will be held in Museum L-A's gallery at 35 Canal St, Lewiston. The event is free and open to the public.

Maine Humanities Council, Lit & Ed:  A Maine Humanities Council Book Group, May 30 deadline - The Maine Humanities Council offers facilitated reading and discussion groups for professionals who work with students in a school setting — teachers, educational technicians, administrators, guidance counselors, and other school staff.
Groups read literature – novels, poems, essays, stories – and meet at their own school, at times convenient to them.  Discussions are an opportunity for joint reflection, through literature, on ideas and issues important to participants’ lives and work.  Lit & Ed qualifies for professional development contact hours.  Register by May 30 to host a group in the next school year.  FMI and to register: or email

Maine Geographic Alliance, ESRI digital mapping contest - Are your students creating ArcGIS Online maps of their community or state? The Maine Geographic Alliance and Esri are sponsoring a map contest. Ten prizes, of $100 each, are to be awarded to high school and middle level students; so your students have a wonderful chance to win one or more prizes.   Registration is now open. Contact Margaret Chernosky at to let her know of your interest. Please type “Esri Student Competition” in the subject line to the email; she will get right back to you and will help you get started. She can also send you a link to the contest details. 
To register your school, please fill out the short form.
Follow this link to a Storymap that shows all the states that are participating.

Maine Geographic Alliance, Geo-Inquiry Summer Institute, June 26-28 - MGA is sponsoring a 3 day summer institute regarding the GeoInquiry process from June 26-28 on the UMF campus in Farmington.  Two Maine teachers attended the National Geographic summer institute in 2017 and will facilitate this “teachers training teachers” institute.  All expenses are paid for by the MGA and housing will be offered on the UMF campus.  Two person teams of middle school teachers in social studies, technology, and science are preferred.  For more information, contact Sue Lahti and put summer GeoInquiry institute in the subject line.  If you have contacted us in the past, please do so again. 

Foods of Our Forefathers Historic Cooking Day Camp, June 27, 9am-2pm, Maine Historical Society & Victoria Mansion - History has never tasted so good! Learn about delicious dishes from the past and how to prepare them with this hands-on historic cooking experience! Campers will learn about traditional foods and historic recipes, serving up a delectable 19th century inspired lunch. Each camper will also go home with their own copy of a cookbook of our favorite Foods of Our Forefathers recipes. For students in 3rd-6th grades. $50 MHS and Victoria Mansion members, $65 general admission.  Register here:

Forum 2017: Inquiry with Joe Schmidt - LAST CALL! - June, 28 - For those that were unable to attend Forum 2017: Inquiry last summer, ME DOE Social Studies Specialist Joe Schmidt is going to hold one last session before moving on to Forum 2018: Disciplinary Literacy (see below). Forum 2017: Inquiry LAST CALL will take place in Augusta at the Cross Building on June 28th from 9am to 4:00pm. Click HERE to register!

Summer Symposium: Dover-Foxcroft, June 29 - A group of teachers have been working with ME DOE Social Studies Specialist Joe Schmidt throughout this school year to learn more about best practices in social studies and how to incorporate those practices into their classrooms. These teachers have completed their last session and some are looking to provide FREE regional professional development opportunities to share their learning and experiences. With teachers from Portland to the County, there is the potential for a training to take place near you! The first one will take place from 8:30am-12:00pm at SeDoMoCha Middle School on Friday, June 29th. Click HERE to register!

USM, Summer 2018 Professional Development Opportunity for Maine Social Studies Educators, July 16-20, 9am-3pm - HTY 534: Maine History, is a 3-credit graduate course designed primarily for K-12 educators looking to further their knowledge of the scope of Maine History, working with primary sources (esp. maps and photographs), and other high impact educational practices, e.g. student centered learning, hands-on activities, experiential learning, field trips, project based learning, etc. This one-week intensive course will be held in the Osher Map Library on the University of Southern Maine's Portland campus, and will include field trips to local archives and museums, including the Portland Museum of Art and the Maine Historical Society. Students will have two weeks beyond the end of the course to complete the coursework, which includes a site visit, small research project, and varied lesson and unit plans. The course is also available for undergraduate credit if you prefer.  For more information, please contact Professor Libby Bischof, Professor of History at USM: or 780-5219. To register for the course, please go on Mainestreet, or call the Registrar’s Office: (207) 780-5230. Teachers may enroll up until the course cap is reached.

Junior Docent Camp, July 23 - 27, Maine Historical Society and the Wadsworth Longfellow House
Ever wonder what life was like before video games? Looking for a chance to step back in time? Want to be a history detective? Participants in the Junior Docent Camp will explore life in 18th and 19th century Portland and go behind the scenes of Maine’s oldest historic house museum. The camp is based at the Wadsworth-Longfellow House, boyhood home of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The mix of indoor and outdoor activities will include 18th and 19th century games, crafts, cooking, and storytelling. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and work with library and museum staff. At the end of the week, all participants will be fully trained and prepared to give a tour of the house to family members and guests. After the tour, families and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and Henry’s favorite treat! July 23 - Friday, July 27, 9:00am - 1:00pm daily.  Students entering 3rd - 5th grades. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:

Adventures in History Camp, July 30 - August 3, Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion - Ever wish you had a chance to explore the history of a whole city? Want to see and learn about amazing things that few people get to see? Looking for a chance to step back in time?  Participants in the Adventures in History Camp will have the chance to go behind the scenes at not one but two of Portland’s premier historic sites; Maine Historical Society and Victoria Mansion! Campers will learn about material culture and life in the Victorian era through an exciting mix of indoor and outdoor activities, special field trips, and hands-on instruction from experts in historic preservation and traditional arts. We will get a glimpse of life in the past by exploring photography, cooking, arts and crafts, and even spooky cemetery symbolism! Participants will meet and work with a variety of museum staff and volunteers including curators, historians, educators, docents, and artists. At the end of the week, all participants will gather at Maine Historical Society to share their newfound knowledge and skills in a historian’s showcase for family members and guests. After the presentation, families, and campers are encouraged to join us in the Longfellow Garden for a brown bag lunch and celebration! July 30 - August 2, 9:00am - 3:00pm daily.  Students entering 6th-8th grades or MHS Junior Docent Camp graduates. $150 for MHS members, $200 general admission.  Register here:

Upstander Project, Upstander Academy, July 29 - August 3 - The Upstander Project and the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut are proud to present the 2018 Upstander Academy, an inquiry-based professional development opportunity for secondary educators with a focus on genocide and human rights education to foster upstanding and address complex historical and current issues. The Academy begins and ends at the University of Connecticut-Storrs. Participants will explore new content about post-genocide Rwanda and genocide against Native peoples in New England, test innovative teaching methods that support the Inquiry arc, and critical and creative thinking, learn to work with primary sources and learning activities using materials and tools from the Library of Congress, practice and model the skills of upstanders in their classrooms, museums, and communities, and become part of a growing professional community of colleagues that integrates human rights and genocide education into classrooms and museums. Learn more and register at

Forum 2018: Disciplinary Literacy, August 2018 - Are you interested in learning more about DISCIPLINARY LITERACY in the social studies classroom? Join the Maine DOE Social Studies Forum 2018 in August with sessions in Augusta, Bangor, Portland, and Presque Isle. Each location will have one day focused on pK-6 Elementary teachers and one day focused on 6-12 Secondary teachers.  *NOTE* You will only need to attend one session as the elementary/secondary sessions are not sequential and the four locations will have the same training.
This FREE workshop will walk teachers through current research about disciplinary literacy in social studies, provide resources to examine current practices, and provide time and support for the creation of your own unit that can be used in the upcoming school year. Teachers are encouraged to bring members of your department/district and use the day to update current units of instruction with research based best practices. See below for locations and dates and click HERE to register. Presque Isle/UMPI - 8/6-8/7, Portland/Maine Historical Society - 8/14-8/15, Augusta/Cross Building - 8/21-8/22, Orono/UMO - 8/28-8/29

National Geographic Education, NatGeo Educator Community - National Geographic Education is creating a digital NatGeo Educator community and you are invited to become charter members.  This is set to launch in early 2018.  It will allow you to engage with National Geographic explorers, staff, and like-minded educators from around the world.  You will also have the opportunity to opt in and be the first to know about online opportunities, events, training, resources and programs.  
Please join by clicking the link below and filling out the requested information.  Though you may already be on the Maine Geographic Alliance email list, please opt into communication from us to ensure that all of your communication preferences are captured.  Thank you!

National WWII Museum, Summer Teacher Institute, Summer 2018 - Explore World War II in New Orleans and Hawaii!  Applications for The National WWII Museum’s Summer Teacher Institute are now OPEN! This 16-month professional development experience for middle and high school teachers includes a weeklong seminar at the Museum in New Orleans (July 22-28, 2018), plus a trip to explore WWII-related historic sites in and around Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (July 21-27, 2019). This year’s institute focuses on the US Home Front, and will include seminar discussions with top WWII scholars, guided tours of the Museum’s innovative exhibits, artifact analysis, and interaction with WWII veterans. Participants receive up to six hours of graduate credit for participation. Travel, graduate tuition, and seminar materials are provided free of charge by the Museum. For full details and the application, visit 

Upgraded Website, Oral History and Folklife Research, Inc. - Oral History and Folklife Research, Inc. ( has this week launched a revamped website that includes full audio and full transcription of most interviews.  The site contains interviews from three projects.  The ADA At 25, a project completed in 2015, marked the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act, interviewing disability rights activists about their struggle for accessibility. The Last Sardine Cannery includes conversations with workers, managers, and fishing boat captains who worked in the sardine industry in Maine; and Immigrant Voices includes interviews with new Mainers.  Teachers, students and researchers can access the site and listen to podcasts created from interviews, read full interview transcripts, and listen to complete interviews, to learn what it was like to work in Maine’s now extinct sardine industry, or how new Mainers have adapted to life in a new home. Oral History and Folklife Research is a 501(c)(3) non profit dedicated to preserving through sound, image and performance, the stories, voices and cultural traditions of Maine and beyond.  OHFR engages with communities and families to preserve our treasured cultural history and the stories that illuminate them. 

National Institute for Civil Discourse, Reviving Civility, ongoing - Incivility in America has reached epidemic proportions. In far too many instances rudeness, disrespect and hostility sideline collaboration and compromise. NICD is spearheading a national grassroots initiative to revive civility and respect that gives Americans solution-oriented actions to do so. Citizens and policy makers nationwide are stepping forward and becoming community connectors who agree to promote civility and respect in their community. Individuals and groups within communities are coming together around the desire to change the tone of our democracy. From urban to rural communities, we’re seeing policy makers, schools & universities (faculty and students), civic groups, business leaders, faith based communities, media leaders and others joining in this call. If you are tired of incivility, join us in reviving civility and respect:
For more information, contact: Mark Hews, Maine State Organizer
Email: Phone: (207) 577-0209

Maine Humanities Council programming, ongoing - Did you know the Maine Humanities Council has lots of programming around the entire state of Maine? Check out all the offerings online!

Giant Traveling Map of Maine, Maine Geographic Alliance, ongoing - The National Geographic Education Foundation has given each member of the Alliance network, two ‘giant’ maps. The Maine map is 17 ft by 20 ft and includes major cities, Native lands, and topographic features such as rivers, lakes and elevation.  he trunk that houses the map also includes teacher materials for grades 2-5.   There are supporting materials including an activity book with standards’ based lessons, lanyards, plastic cups and cones, plastic chains, Maine Ag in the classroom resources, state and national flags, the Maine classroom Atlas and more.  Schools may use the map and materials at no cost. This is a floor map and students may walk on it with socks on. No shoes or writing materials are to be used on the map.
If you are interested in scheduling one of the maps for your school, please contact Susan Lahti at  Put GTMMaine in the subject line.    

Maine Historical Society educational programming, ongoing -  Maine Historical Society offers a variety of programs and resources designed to help teachers and students explore Maine history. These include programs at our one-acre campus in Portland and in schools across the state, professional development opportunities for teachers, outreach programs, partnerships with schools around Maine, and resources on the web.  All programs draw on MHS's extensive historical collections and the knowledge of our professional staff. All our programs can be adapted to meet the needs of students in grades K–16 and have been designed in accordance with Maine Learning Results and Common Core State Standards. To learn more visit our website or email 

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, Free Educational Outreach, ongoing - The HHRC provides educational outreach to schools and community groups throughout Maine free of charge. These programs focus on issues relating to the Holocaust and human rights.  Our outreach programs are available to bring to your school, or you’re welcome to schedule a visit to the Michael Klahr Center.  For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530.

March/April 2018 Newsletter

MCSS March - April 2018 Newsletter

There are so many amazing opportunities and programs View this email in your browser available for Maine teachers this spring!

Hello from your friends at MCSS!



As part of the scheduled periodic review of the Maine Learning Results, the Maine Department of Education is seeking public comments regarding the current social studies standards. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts about the current Maine Learning Results for social studies. Public meetings were held February 22, February 28, and March 1; if you were unable to attend a public hearing, please take a moment to share your thoughts by email or mail by March 16th.

The social studies standards include four content areas (Civics and Government, Economics, Geography, History) and a strand about the application of social studies processes, knowledge, and skills. Each strand breaks down the standard into performance indicators and descriptors by grade bands (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-Diploma). The standards also include an introduction and a section of key ideas in the social studies standards.

The standards review process opened with public comments and public hearings prior to the convening of writing teams that will review and revise the social studies standards.

Anyone who was unable to attend the public hearings in February and March may send written comments by 5 pm on March 16th, 2018.

Written comments may be emailed to with the subject “Social Studies Standards Review” or mailed to Maine Department of Education, attn: Paul Hambleton, 23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333. For further information about the standards review process contact Beth Lambert at or click HERE to see the official DOE priority notice.


by Brandi LeRoy, Bangor High School

In our US History classes at Bangor High School we all require students to complete an immigration project that uses research to answer the question "How would your chosen immigrant group respond to the age old saying 'America Beckons, but American's Repel'". My students had a choice of many different ways to present this project, but the major of my students chose to do digital posters. We are a one on one school and I believe that if student have the technology they should be using it, so instead of tradition posters I have my students use google slides to create a digital poster. At first many students were reluctant to create these and wanted to do a traditional poster, but once they saw how easy it actually was and the end results they were sold.

The students who meet the standard on the project got to have their posters printed and after seeing the printed posters many students asked to be able to go in and fix or add to their posters so that they could have theirs printed as well.

The photo printer was acquired from a donors choose project. By being able to print out and display these students amazing work, my students put in more effort and revise more so that they can create work that they are proud of.


by Kathleen Neumann

Students in Portland are sharing their creativity and knowledge with a new art at Portland Public Library. Created by third graders at Ocean Avenue Elementary School, the exhibit of mural panels depicts influential figures in Portland, Maine’s history. The portraits were created during a SidexSide mural and physical theater program led by teaching artists Laurie Downey and Gretchen Berg. Students learned about the individuals depicted in the murals through their social studies work and an in- classroom program with Maine Historical Society.

Among the figures featured in the portraits are Lemuel Moody, builder of the Portland Observatory, celebrated poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and James Healey, the first African-American bishop in the United States.

SidexSide works to foster academic excellence, innovation, and creative and critical thinking through comprehensive arts integration and arts-based programs in the classroom. Through community partnerships with the University of Southern Maine, the Portland Public School Department, and local artists, professionals, and colleges, SidexSide integrates science, technology, literacy, and the humanities with the arts to enhance school curricula.

Maine Historical Society preserves the heritage and history of Maine, and the stories of Maine people through the collection, care, and exhibition of historical treasures, the facilitation of historical research, and through educational programs that make history meaningful, accessible and enjoyable.

Portland Portraits is on display at the Portland Public Library in the Sam L. Cohen Children's Room through March 10. Following the PPL exhibition, the mural panels will be permanently installed at Ocean Avenue Elementary School.

National History Day in Maine State ContestApril 7, 2018




National History Day in Maine is in full swing. Questions from educators are rolling in to the State Coordinator and many students are eager to begin working on the research they will present at the state competition on April 7, 2018 at UMaine. It’s not too late to start the research process. Encourage a student’s historical curiosity by supporting the topics that interest them and urge young historians to seek answers through research in Maine’s rich tapestry of museums and archives.

Need more convincing? NHD in Maine is always in need of knowledgeable teachers, librarians, and historians to act as judges. Please consider volunteering your time, come see the educational impact of NHD, and help make the state competition a success. You can register here : Registration closes on March 16, 2018 (go to and look for the pull down "Register" menu at the top left of the screen). For more information, visit the Maine NHD website (, follow us on social media, or contact State Coordinator John Taylor at

Prior to the statewide contest UMaine faculty, students, and staff will offer a one-on-one "drop-in" coaching workshop at Fogler Library from 3:00-5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 13. If you or your students plan to attend, please email Liam Riordan in advance ( with a list of their independent research topics so that we can prepare in advance to give your students the best support that we can during the workshop.

There is also now a special fellowship for high school students who win first or second place in any individual NHD contest category and come to UMaine as a History major. It is worth up to $16,000 over for years, please visit the following link for more info: UMaine NHD Scholarship.


Have a story you want to share for our SOCIAL STUDIES IN MAINE or SOCIAL STUDIES IN THE CLASSROOM spotlights? Submit it to the Maine Council for Social Studies at

Opportunities for Teachers and Students

Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Contest, March 9 deadline - The Secretary of State’s Office is accepting entries for the 2018 Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Contest designed to promote the history of Maine, an understanding of the Maine Constitution, and the importance of democracy and voting. Students submitting the top entry in each of four categories will be invited to be the Secretary of State’s guest for a day in Augusta along with his or her class and will visit the Maine State Archives to view the Maine Constitution. They may also visit the Maine State Museum and the State House. Entries are due March 9, 2018. Contest rules and information are available at:

NHD Coaching, UMaine, March 13 - Prior to the statewide NHD contest UMaine faculty, students, and staff will offer a one-on-one "drop-in" coaching workshop at Fogler Library from 3:00-5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 13. If you or your students plan to attend, please email Liam Riordan in advance ( with a list of their independent research topics so that we can prepare in advance to give your students the best support that we can during the workshop.

Teacher Workshop, Old Berwick Historical Society, March 15 application deadline -The Old Berwick Historical Society, in South Berwick, Maine is hosting a three-day teacher workshop, July 24-26, Forgotten Frontiers. The area of focus is on the 17th- century settlements in the Piscataqua Region of southern Maine and New Hampshire. The workshop is open to teachers in grades 5-12 who are in the local area (southern Maine, Coastal New Hampshire, and northern Massachusetts). There is a stipend available for teachers who attend. Applications are due on March 15th. Check out the Old Berwick Historical Society webpage for more information and the application: article&id=758&Itemid=274

Civil Discourse with Teaching Tolerance: The Need for Challenging Conversations, Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine, March 15, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. - A day-long seminar for teachers created in partnership with Teaching Tolerance. The program will feature a structured academic controversy focusing on Maine’s Malaga Island story, and Teaching Tolerance’s Critical Practices for Anti-Bias Education. Facilitators are Joe Schmidt from the Maine Department of Education and David Greenham, program director of the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine. Guests will include Kate McBrien and Kathleen Neumann from the Maine Historical Society. $75 fee includes lunch, Teaching Tolerance materials, and seven contact hours for recertification. Registration is limited to 25 teachers. For more information, visit or email

National History Day in Maine, Registration Open - Judges Needed - March 16 registration deadline - NHD in Maine registration for students, teachers, and judges is now open. Registration deadline is March 16. Contest day is April 7, 2018 in Orono in at UMaine. Registration is available at For more info contact State Coordinator John Taylor at or 474-7133

Race, Power and Difference: A Symposium for Maine Educators, University of Southern Maine,
March 27th (4:00pm-6:30pm) and March 28th (8:00am-3:30 pm)
- The Symposium will focus on providing teachers and other professionals with the skills they need to discuss the social construction of race in classrooms with children of all ages. Since the Symposium focuses on educating youth on race, power, and difference, this material is appropriate for anyone who is interested in deconstructing institutional oppression in the United States. Additional specialties that would benefit from this Symposium are professional educators, social and behavioral service providers, child development specialists, program administrators, school leaders, parents, and community activists. Participants will benefit from multiple workshop experiences for individuals interested in school leadership, curriculum development, teaching methods (pedagogy), and community involvement and resources.

The Symposium includes a keynote address from Dr. Tiffany Mitchell, panels, and workshops about resources, networks, and strategies for teaching about inequity, institutional discrimination, and racial biases - both inside and outside of schools. The goal is to empower educators from diverse communities to guide and foster change in our educational systems and improve our democratic society through meaningful, long-term engagement. Register here.

Maine History Teacher of the Year Nominations Now Open, March 31 deadline- The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History is seeking nominations for the Maine History Teacher of the Year. State History Teachers of the Year receive $1,000, an archive of materials for their school’s library, and an invitation to attend a 2019 Gilder Lehrman Teacher Seminar. The deadline for 2018 nominations is March 31, 2018. Check out the informational flyer or the Gilder Lehrman website or contact Joe Schmidt (Maine DOE Social Studies Specialist – for more information

Job opening, part time educator, April, May, and June, and 2018/2019 academic year, Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine - The Holocaust and Human Rights Center is looking to train a part time educator to present HHRC programs in schools and communities. A passion for education, human rights, and history is needed, along with comfort engaging small and large groups of students and adults.

Salary: Paid training, per diem payment, and mileage.This is an excellent position for an educator with a somewhat flexible schedule. Employment will be very part-time, perhaps a half day per week on average. For more information, contact, David Greenham, Program Director, Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine,

Northeast Regional Conference on the Social Studies, April 12-14 - Join the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies as we host the 48th annual Northeast Regional Conference on the Social Studies (NERC 48), where we will explore the “Power of Place” from April 12th to the 14th, 2018. With the city of Hartford, Connecticut as its backdrop, educators will examine social studies topics relevant to their practice, explore the role of place, and discover innovative ideas and strategies for classroom application. This event is an excellent opportunity for elementary and secondary teachers, college and university professors, museum educators, and organizations to come together to engage in a deep inquiry about the unique and transcendent qualities of place. In addition to an exciting slate of pre- conference institutes and conference sessions, we are honored to be joined by keynote speakers, Larry Paska, NCSS Executive Director; Kathy Swan, Project Director and Lead Writer of the C3 Framework; and Bob Bain of Big History Project.

In addition to exploring “place,” educators will engage best practices and sound social studies pedagogy when we will gather at the Hartford Marriott Downtown. The hotel is minutes from the banks of the Connecticut River and is walking distance from Front Street, the Science Center, the Old State House, the Wadsworth Atheneum, City Hall, and the historic Hartford Times Building, the new downtown home of UConn. This location alone illustrates the power of place in history, civics, economics, and geography. In addition to the conference sessions and speakers, we are planning several networking events and social outings. These three days will surely improve your practice and expand your network among educators from throughout the Northeast. Register Online Today: For more information, please visit

12th Annual Flint Knapp-In, University of Southern Maine, April 14, 10am-4pm - Come join USM Geography-Anthropology Student Association in a day of stone tool making, presentations, student research, sand box archaeology, cave art drawing, and more! University of Southern Maine, 37 College Avenue, Gorham, ME 3rd floor Bailey Hall. For more information contact Kennedy:

Maine Innovation Expo Seeks Exhibitors, Museum L-A, May 19, 2018 10 am - 3 pm - Are you a teacher or student working on an innovative project? Museum L-A is reaching out to students, businesses, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, and organizations across the state to serve as exhibitors at this year's Maine Innovation Expo. Innovation comes in many shapes and sizes! Most of our exhibitors will have a STEM or business focus, but we'd love to see more innovation from other fields! Projects related to the history of innovation and invention in Maine would be a perfect fit. We will accept exhibitors until April 13th, 2018, but the sooner the better! To find out more or to sign up, please contact Kate Webber at 207-333-3881 or

Maine Geographic Alliance, ESRI digital mapping contest - Are your students creating ArcGIS Online maps of their community or state? The Maine Geographic Alliance and Esri are sponsoring a map contest. Ten prizes, of $100 each, are to be awarded to high school and middle level students; so your students have a wonderful chance to win one or more prizes. Registration is now open. Contact Margaret Chernosky at to let her know of your interest. Please type “Esri Student Competition” in the subject line to the email; she will get right back to you and will help you get started. She can also send you a link to the contest details. To register your school, please fill out the short form.  Follow this link to a Storymap that shows all the states that are participating. 6cd5b9280

Maine Geographic Alliance, Geo-Inquiry Summer Institute, June 26-28 - MGA is sponsoring a 3 day summer institute regarding the GeoInquiry process from June 26-28 on the UMF campus in Farmington. Two Maine teachers attended the National Geographic summer institute in 2017 and will facilitate this “teachers training teachers” institute. All expenses are paid for by the MGA and housing will be offered on the UMF campus. Two person teams of middle school teachers in social studies, technology, and science are preferred. For more information, contact Sue Lahti and put summer GeoInquiry institute in the subject line. If you have contacted us in the past, please do so again.

Upstander Project, Upstander Academy, July 29 - August 3 - The Upstander Project and the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut are proud to present the 2018 Upstander Academy, an inquiry-based professional development opportunity for secondary educators with a focus on genocide and human rights education to foster upstanding and address complex historical and current issues. The Academy begins and ends at the University of Connecticut-Storrs. Participants will explore new content about post-genocide Rwanda and genocide against Native peoples in New England, test innovative teaching methods that support the Inquiry arc, and critical and creative thinking, learn to work with primary sources and learning activities using materials and tools from the Library of Congress, practice and model the skills of upstanders in their classrooms, museums, and communities, and become part of a growing professional community of colleagues that integrates human rights and genocide education into classrooms and museums. Learn more and register at

National Geographic Education, NatGeo Educator Community - National Geographic Education is creating a digital NatGeo Educator community and you are invited to become charter members. This is set to launch in early 2018. It will allow you to engage with National Geographic explorers, staff, and like-minded educators from around the world. You will also have the opportunity to opt in and be the first to know about online opportunities, events, training, resources and programs. Please join by clicking the link below and filling out the requested information. Though you may already be on the Maine Geographic Alliance email list, please opt into communication from us to ensure that all of your communication preferences are captured. Thank you!

National WWII Museum, Summer Teacher Institute, Summer 2018 - Explore World War II in New Orleans and Hawaii! Applications for The National WWII Museum’s Summer Teacher Institute are now OPEN! This 16-month professional development experience for middle and high school teachers includes a weeklong seminar at the Museum in New Orleans (July 22-28, 2018), plus a trip to explore WWII-related historic sites in and around Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (July 21-27, 2019).

This year’s institute focuses on the US Home Front, and will include seminar discussions with top WWII scholars, guided tours of the Museum’s innovative exhibits, artifact analysis, and interaction with WWII veterans. Participants receive up to six hours of graduate credit for participation. Travel, graduate tuition, and seminar materials are provided free of charge by the Museum. For full details and the application, visit

Upgraded Website, Oral History and Folklife Research, Inc. - Oral History and Folklife Research, Inc. ( has this week launched a revamped website that includes full audio and full transcription of most interviews. The site contains interviews from three projects. The ADA At 25, a project completed in 2015, marked the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act, interviewing disability rights activists about their struggle for accessibility. The Last Sardine Cannery includes conversations with workers, managers, and fishing boat captains who worked in the sardine industry in Maine; and Immigrant Voices includes interviews with new Mainers.

Teachers, students and researchers can access the site and listen to podcasts created from interviews, read full interview transcripts, and listen to complete interviews, to learn what it was like to work in Maine’s now extinct sardine industry, or how new Mainers have adapted to life in a new home. Oral History and Folklife Research is a 501(c)(3) non profit dedicated to preserving through sound, image and performance, the stories, voices and cultural traditions of Maine and beyond. OHFR engages with communities and families to preserve our treasured cultural history and the stories that illuminate them.

National Institute for Civil Discourse, Reviving Civility, ongoing - Incivility in America has reached epidemic proportions. In far too many instances rudeness, disrespect and hostility sideline collaboration and compromise. NICD is spearheading a national grassroots initiative to revive civility and respect that gives Americans solution- oriented actions to do so. Citizens and policy makers nationwide are stepping forward and becoming community connectors who agree to promote civility and respect in their community.

Individuals and groups within communities are coming together around the desire to change the tone of our democracy. From urban to rural communities, we’re seeing policy makers, schools & universities (faculty and students), civic groups, business leaders, faith based communities, media leaders and others joining in this call. If you are tired of incivility, join us in reviving civility and respect: For more information, contact: Mark Hews, Maine State Organizer Email: Phone: (207) 577-0209

Maine Humanities Council programming, ongoing - Did you know the Maine Humanities Council has lots of programming around the entire state of Maine? Check out all the offerings online!

Giant Traveling Map of Maine, Maine Geographic Alliance, ongoing - The National Geographic Education Foundation has given each member of the Alliance network, two ‘giant’ maps. The Maine map is 17 ft by 20 ft and includes major cities, Native lands, and topographic features such as rivers, lakes and elevation. he trunk that houses the map also includes teacher materials for grades 2-5. There are supporting materials including an activity book with standards’ based lessons, lanyards, plastic cups and cones, plastic chains, Maine Ag in the classroom resources, state and national flags, the Maine classroom Atlas and more.

Schools may use the map and materials at no cost. This is a floor map and students may walk on it with socks on. No shoes or writing materials are to be used on the map. If you are interested in scheduling one of the maps for your school, please contact Susan Lahti at Put GTMMaine in the subject line.

Maine Historical Society educational programming, ongoing - Maine Historical Society offers a variety of programs and resources designed to help teachers and students explore Maine history. These include programs at our one-acre campus in Portland and in schools across the state, professional development opportunities for teachers, outreach programs, partnerships with schools around Maine, and resources on the web.

All programs draw on MHS's extensive historical collections and the knowledge of our professional staff. All our programs can be adapted to meet the needs of students in grades K–16 and have been designed in accordance with Maine Learning Results and Common Core State Standards. To learn more visit our website or email

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, Free Educational Outreach, ongoing - The HHRC provides educational outreach to schools and community groups throughout Maine free of charge. These programs focus on issues relating to the Holocaust and human rights. Our outreach programs are available to bring to your school, or you’re welcome to schedule a visit to the Michael Klahr Center. For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530.

March/April 2017 newsletter

MCSS Announcements/News


 Tell Maine's delegation in DC that you value the work of the NEH!

The Trump administration has released its proposal for the FY2018 federal budget. As expected, the proposal calls for the elimination of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, among other agencies.

This marks the beginning of the budget process. As you know, our Constitution empowers Congress, not the president, to appropriate funds for the operation of the government. The appropriations process will play out over the coming weeks and months.

As the process gets underway, MCSS is asking for your help. This is a key time for everyone who supports the humanities in the state of Maine to make their voices heard.

You can help by speaking up!

Our partners at Maine Humanities Council have valuable information and advice on reaching reach out to your representatives in Congress:

Make your voice heard, spread the word, and thank you for your support!


Meet the new Maine DOE Social Studies Specialist Joe Schmidt!

My name is Joe Schmidt and I am the new Social Studies Specialist and Western Maine Regional Representative for the Maine Department of Education. I am a graduate of University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh with a Bachelor’s degree in secondary social studies and a Master’s degree in Education from Viterbo University. My career started with nine years of high school social studies teaching experience before I left the classroom to become the K-12 Social Studies Teacher Leader in Curriculum & Instruction for the Madison Metropolitan School District in Madison, Wisconsin.

During my professional career, I have served at the national level on the iCivics National Educator Network, the Teaching Tolerance National Advisory Board, and as chairperson of the National Council for Social Studies select subcommittee for Social Education. I have also served at the state level as the Vice-President and Business Manager for the Wisconsin Council for Social Studies and the Social Studies Advisory Council for the Wisconsin Department of Instruction. Also, I have been selected for fellowships at the Center for the Study of the American Constitution and for the European Union Center for Excellence.

I am excited to support social studies teachers, programs, and organizations throughout Maine and work to provide professional development and other learning opportunities around the state. 

Welcome aboard, Joe!

From your friends and colleagues at the Maine Council for Social Studies


SidexSide - Bringing History and the Arts Together

by Gretchen Berg

Local arts organization Side x Side partners with Maine Historical Society to infuse the arts into the social studies curricula in five Portland elementary schools (Reiche, Ocean Avenue, Hall, Riverton and East End). One such Side x Side and MHS partnership project is happening this winter at Ocean Avenue Elementary School where third graders are studying the history of Portland; they work with MHS educators and tour the Wadsworth-Longfellow House and galleries. George Neptune a Passamaquoddy master basket maker, Abbe Museum educator and storyteller visited Ocean Avenue to launch student thinking about the history and current realities of Wabanaki people in Maine. Throughout their study students keep project journals that combine drawing and notes. 

Next Side x Side teaching artists Laurie Downey and Gretchen Berg work with teachers and students to brainstorm and create both a permanent in-school mural and a lively theater performance about the history of Portland. The mural and performance are then presented to the community in a public celebration. In November 2016, Laurie Downey and Gretchen Berg shared this unique teaching and learning process at the Maine Council for the Social Studies annual conference in a workshop entitled Forging Strong Community Connections: Experience-based Learning & Integrated Arts.

Learn more about SidexSide here:

Have a story you want to share for our SOCIAL STUDIES IN MAINE or SOCIAL STUDIES IN THE CLASSROOM spotlights? Submit it to the Maine Council for Social Studies at  

Opportunities for Teachers and Students

National History Day (April 8), judges needed, register by March 17 - The National History Day Maine State Contest is quickly approaching!  April 8th is the contest date and it will take place at the University of Maine.  Response from teachers, students, and parents has been overwhelming and this year we are anticipating our largest group of student participants yet! Volunteer judges are needed! Complimentary breakfast and lunch is provided.  Judge registration is currently open at: . The registration window will close on March 17th.  

Maine Maritime Museum, student-designed exhibit Commerce, Culture, Community:The Sewall Family Shipbuilders, March 31st through April 30th - This exhibit in the Marjorie W. Kramer Gallery is the museum’s “Sense of Place” education program capstone project designed by all 7th graders from Regional School Unit One.  Over the course of six months students examined material culture from the museum’s collection and selected objects, documents, and photographs to tell the story of how the Sewall family shipbuilders shaped their community. Exhibit is included with museum admission.

Maine Geographic Alliance and Esri’s ArcGIS Online U.S. School Competition, April 7th deadline - Showcase your student’s ArcGIS Online maps! Students have an opportunity to win prizes and a trip to the 2017 Esri Education Conference in San Diego, CA, by submitting a map to Esri’s ArcGIS Online U.S. School Competition. 

Across the U.S., high school and middle school students are invited to submit a map about their community or state using ArcGIS Online.  Maine students should choose a Maine-centered topic. All projects that focus on the local community and/or the State of Maine are welcome. Students will use ArcGIS Online to study local history, environment, land-use, culture, political and social issues. The ArcGIS Online US School Competition 2017 is open to high school (gr.9-12) and middle school (gr.4-8) students in the U.S who can analyze, interpret, and present data via an ArcGIS Online presentation, web app, or story map.  The Maine Geographic Alliance is participating! Your school can submit up to 5 student projects to the Maine Geographic Alliance ArcGIS Online Mapping Competition. Judges for the Maine Geographic Alliance will select 10 winners (5 at middle school level and 5 at the high school level), each will be awarded $100 and their work will be submitted to the national Esri competition. At the national competition, one high school project and one middle school project will earn a trip to the 2017 Esri Education Conference in San Diego, CA.

Registration is now open; closes April 7th Contact Margaret Chernosky to register. Please type “Esri Student Competition” in the subject line; Margaret will get right back to you and will help you get started.

Student Map Submissions deadline is April 28th 2017.Contact Margaret Chernosky or Sue Lahti for more information.

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, Scholarship and Award Opportunities, April 7 deadline

Each year, the HHRC honors students and community members who are doing outstanding work in the fields of Holocaust and Human Rights education. Scholarships are available for k-12th grade students as well as educators. Additionally, the Gerda Haas Award for Excellence in Human Rights Education and Leadership will be awarded to an individual or organization who has demonstrated excellence and initiative in human rights education and leadership. The winners will be honored on Sunday, June 11th at the Woodlands Club in Falmouth. Applications and nomination forms are available through the HHRC’s website. Nominations and applications must be in by April 7, 2016.  For more information visit  

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, exhibition, Pay Attention! It’s Independence Day!, through April 14th - The Whitefield 4th of July Parade is an annual celebration of free speech, featuring provocative and timely statements from a group of artists and activists in the community. The exhibit, Pay Attention! It’s Independence Day showcases photos and original artwork from the last decade and a half of unique parade themes. This exhibit is in partnership with Natasha Mayers, the USM Galleries, and Artists Rapid Response Team [ARRT]. For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530.

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, exhibition, Heroism in Unjust Times: Rescuers During the Holocaust, April 24th – August 11th -  Despite the fatal consequences, thousands of individuals risked their lives to help those targeted by the Nazis in the time leading up to and through the Holocaust. Heroism in Unjust Times: Rescuers During the Holocaust, celebrates and honors those righteous individuals. The exhibit will also share stories of individuals and their descendants who were saved by these rescuers and settled in Maine and nearby. Heroism in Unjust Times is presented in partnership with the Sousa Mendes Foundation, Yad Vashem, the Berkshire Holocaust Museum, Darrell English, Julie Lanoie, Mona Pearl Treyball, and Jean-Claude van Itallie. The exhibit is made possible through the support Kennebec Savings Bank. For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530.

Illustrated Mapmaking Contest, Osher Map Library, May 1 deadline - The Osher Map Library invites all Maine 5th Graders to enter the 2017 Illustrated Mapmaking Contest by May 1st for a chance to win $1,000 ($500 for you, $500 for your class)!  More information available at

Contact Renee Keul at with questions.

Maine Curriculum Leaders' Association, May 15 & 16 - The Maine Curriculum Leaders' Association is offering Providing Opportunity to Learn at the Auburn Hilton Garden Inn. Participants register for one of two strands for both days. Strand 1 is Planning Proficiency-based Instruction and Strand 2 is Personalized/Independent Learning. Registration deadline is May 1. Complete information and links are at

University of Maine, Summer 2017 Teachers Institute, Montréal and Ottawa, June 25-30 - 2017 marks the 375th anniversary of the founding of Montreal, and the 150th anniversary of Canada's Confederation.  K-12 teachers, curriculum coordinators and administrators with teaching background in social studies, geography, history and/or French are welcome to apply to the Summer Institute for K-12 Professionals held this summer in Montréal and Ottawa, Canada, from June 25th-30th.  “Québec and the Evolution of Canada” is a unique professional development opportunity providing participants with foundations in history and geography plus contemporary cultural insights through first-hand experience.  The content is taught by academic specialists and is designed to meet Common Core, C3, and state standards.  Rolling registration is open until May 1:

Native American Festival and Basketmakers Market, Saturday, July 8, 10 am - 4 pm, College of the Atlantic -  This popular festival, sponsored by the Maine Indian Basket Makers Alliance and the Abbe Museum, is hosted on the campus of College of the Atlantic and offers visitors, collectors, and gallery owners the opportunity to buy directly from the artists, as quality and authenticity is the hallmark for this Indian Market. For many visitors, this is a rare opportunity to meet the artists and learn about contemporary Indian arts and cultures from Maine and the Maritimes. 

Free and open to the public. Contact the Abbe Museum for more details at 207-288-3519 or

Cultural Understanding in China Study Abroad Program, University of Southern Maine Travel Program, July 20 - August 2 - Travel to Beijing, Dalian, and Hohhot, China in this six credit EDU 479/579 course. Students will gain an invaluable perspective as they are immersed into Chinese culture through exploration, volunteer opportunities, and culturally comparative instruction. With a focus on refugee and immigrant populations, students will develop understanding, empathy, and insight into the best ways to support and empower these communities.

Program Fee: $2,750 plus airfare. Students who are part of the Confucius Institute at USM will have reduced travel costs. Financial aid may be used to pay for the credits and travel of this course.

The ‘Program Fee’ includes lodging, in-country transport, cultural activities, and most meals. Tuition and international airfare is an additional expense.

For more information, please visit:

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, Teacher Training and Student Seminars, July and August Save the date for the HHRC’s upcoming annual Summer Seminars for high school students, K-12 Educators, Librarians and Lifelong Learners. This year, we will also be offering a seminar for 8th – 12th grade students. Seminars are $100, and include lunch, snacks, and contact hours. For Educators:

July 11, 12 – Immigrant Experience in Maine; July 19, 20 – Holocaust and Human Behavior; August 2, 3 – Civil Discourse; For Rising 8th - 12th grade students: August 8, 9 – Civil Discourse.  For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530.

Maine Humanities Council programming, ongoing - Did you know the Maine Humanities Council has lots of programming around the entire state of Maine? Check out all the offerings online!

Giant Traveling Map of Maine, Maine Geographic Alliance, ongoing - The National Geographic Education Foundation has given each member of the Alliance network, two ‘giant’ maps. The Maine map is 17 ft by 20 ft and includes major cities, Native lands, and topographic features such as rivers, lakes and elevation.  he trunk that houses the map also includes teacher materials for grades 2-5.   There are supporting materials including an activity book with standards’ based lessons, lanyards, plastic cups and cones, plastic chains, Maine Ag in the classroom resources, state and national flags, the Maine classroom Atlas and more.  Schools may use the map and materials at no cost. This is a floor map and students may walk on it with socks on. No shoes or writing materials are to be used on the map.

If you are interested in scheduling one of the maps for your school, please contact Susan Lahti at  Put GTMMaine in the subject line.    

Margaret Chase Smith Library Exhibit, Encore: Walking the Red Carpet with Margaret, ongoing A screenplay about Senator Margaret Chase Smith’s life is currently in the works.  In conjunction, Museum Assistant John Taylor has created our most recent exhibit, “Encore: Walking the Red Carpet with Margaret.” The new installation focuses on the Senator’s many connections to Tinseltown.  Come see Margaret hobnob with Hollywood royalty like Jimmy Stewart, Esther Williams, Bob Hope, Marlene Dietrich, and Ronald Reagan. Highlights include photographs of Smith on the set of the 1944 film “Kismet,” letters from a multitude of celebrities, audio and video clips of her on television, and see how she influenced the current movie rating system. You can finish off your experience by playing the Library’s version of the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” game. The exhibit is currently open and will remain up through the end of the year.

Holocaust and Human Rights Center, Free Educational Outreach, ongoing - The HHRC provides educational outreach to schools and community groups throughout Maine free of charge. These programs focus on issues relating to the Holocaust and human rights.  Our outreach programs are available to bring to your school, or you’re welcome to schedule a visit to the Michael Klahr Center.  For more information visit, email or call 207-621-3530.

July/August 2016 newsletter

It's that time of year...

Are you ready for the 2016-2017 school year?  Because we are!!!

You can count on your friends at MCSS to keep you informed on all the vital Social Studies information, news, and of course FUN to make this

the best year ever!!!

A message from the MCSS Board President

Dear Social Studies Educator,

At this time of year, I feel caught between trying to enjoy each and every last moment of summer with family and friends, and constantly thinking of the upcoming school year. I am reminded that one of the greatest things about being a teacher is that each year, no matter how challenging, is followed by the chance for a fresh start, and the opportunity to incorporate fresh ideas.

At MCSS, we have also had a busy summer. In June, we co-sponsored a day of outstanding professional development at Maranacook High School featuring teacher leaders from across the state.  We are actively planning our annual conference to be held in November in Augusta (see below). Finally, we have added three new executive board members; Geoffrey Wingard from Bangor High School, Erin Towns from Edward Little High School, and Donna Olsen from Lewiston High School.

On a personal level, I was thrilled to represent our MCSS members at the NCSS Summer Leadership Institute in Washington, DC. This conference is a great opportunity to be educated about important legislation that directly impacts social studies nationally, as well as in our local districts. After an intense day of preparation for lobbying, we headed to Capitol Hill to meet with our members of congress.

One of the issues I discussed with our legislators was funding for the Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA. The exact amounts of funding as of this writing are yet to be determined. As with many bills, there are both strengths and challenges with the legislation. The good news is that ESSA provides for funding of the humanities, including social studies. The challenge is that each state or local district will need to determine how best to spend those allocated funds. Additionally, the money is not specifically earmarked for social studies. Rather there are pools of money that can be used in a variety of ways (technology, arts, social studies, etc.)

At MCSS we have updated our committee structure to include a focus on advocacy. We are reaching out to the Maine DOE and legislature to seek more guidance on ESSA, and we are also eagerly awaiting the filling of the recently vacated DOE Social Studies Liaison position. We will continue to monitor these issues and keep you informed. In the meantime, we have posted a copy of a Dear Colleague letter from the US DOE. We encourage you to ask your local curriculum coordinators if they received a copy of the letter, and how they plan to include social studies in their ESSA funding structure.

We look forward to being a part of your greatest year ever teaching social studies.


Kate Sheldon, President, Maine Council for the Social Studies


MCSS Annual Conference

Thursday, November 10, Augusta, ME

Want to arm yourself for a successful year with the best tools available? Eager to claim your throne as a ruler of all things Social Studies? 

Look no further than the MCSS Annual Conference

This year's conference is scheduled for November 10 at the Augusta Civics Center.  This year's theme is Civic Engagement in a Globally Connected World.  Stay tuned and check out our website for more details and information on how you can register! 

Meet this year's keynote speaker: Kenneth C. Davis!

Kenneth C. Davis is the New York Times bestselling author of America's Hidden History andDon't Know Much About® History, which gave rise to the Don't Know Much About® series of books for adults and children. A frequent guest on national television and radio and a Ted-Ed Educator, Davis enjoys Skype visits with middle- and high-school classrooms to discuss history. He lives in New York City. His forthcoming book is In the Shadow of Liberty: The Hidden History of Slavery, Four Presidents, and Five Black Lives. (Published September 2016)


Successful Social Studies Summer Symposium

by Kristie Littlefield

Maine Council for the Social Studies, in partnership with Maine DOE, hosted the first ever Social Studies Summer Symposium on June 29 at Maranacook High School.  There were 120 participants from all regions of the state.  You can find a link to the workshop materials from the Social Studies Teacher-Leaders in the resource folder on our webpage: 

Due to the positive feedback, MCSS hopes to be able to provide another summer professional development opportunity in 2017.  We will keep you posted as plans come together!


GIS in the Classroom

by Erin Towns

One of the hardest things about teaching social studies is the lack of geography knowledge and lack of technological literacy students display in the classroom.   I made it my mission a few years ago to change this.  As a 1:1 state, our tech savvy students of the 21st century have tools at their fingertips that will enable them to investigate the world and take significant action steps to solve problems they see in their communities using practical application of knowledge.  My students were introduced to using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) in the classroom and were asked to identify an issue in their community that they wanted to address.  Students chose safety and started the project by mapping where they live using ArcGIS Online. They added an Auburn Crime Data Layer that the city's GIS Coordinator created for them.  They compared where they lived in Auburn with crime statistics helping them to build basic spatial relationship skills.  Students then identified specific areas where they did not feel safe and hazard areas were mapped.  Students analyzed the map with crime layers added, made observations, and evaluated sources of the data.  Students were asked to offer solutions and the completed map was sent to the Auburn Maine Police Chief.  These global studies sophomores were invited to present their findings in front of the Auburn Public Safety Committee at City Hall in February.  As a result of the work they did, they were told that a new light warning passengers of students in a dangerous crosswalk would be added, helping students to feel safe in one of the most reported locations for hazards.  

The copy of the presentation can be seen here:  Auburn Community Profile

As a result of this project, Maine GIS Education Partners was created by Maine teachers for Maine teachers interested in using geospatial technology in the classroom.  Check us out and join us!   The website has free resources and announcements that will help teachers learn.  

Have a story you want to share for our SOCIAL STUDIES IN MAINE or SOCIAL STUDIES IN THE CLASSROOM spotlights? Submit it to the Maine Council for Social Studies at  


Designing C3 Inquiries with Library of Congress Political Cartoons, Waynesburg University, Sept. 29 - Nov. 3 - Join us for a FREE interactive online experience and a chance to earn 24 CEU hours! This opportunity for middle and secondary teachers and librarians combines the Library of Congress political cartoons and the C3 Inquiry Design Model to create ready-to-go visually-based inquiries leading to civic action. Model inquiries from the Herblock collection Herblock Cartoon Exhibit: Pointing their Pens and from historic Presidential Election Resource Guides 1789-1920 will be presented. Learn more and register here

MCSS Annual Conference, November 1 - The Maine Council for the Social Studies annual conference will be held on November 10th, 2016 at the Augusta Civic Center.  This year's theme, Global Studies, was the top request from the attendees at the 2015 conference, and civic engagement will be on everyone's minds in the aftermath of the elections - don't miss the opportunity to learn from and network with your colleagues across the state.  This year's keynote speaker is Kenneth C. Davis, New York Times bestselling author of America's Hidden History and Don't Know Much About History. 

National History Day, April 18, 2017 - Maine National History Day (NHD) is an annual event for teachers and students in grades 6-12 that promotes critical thinking skills through project-based learning.  The next state contest will be hosted at the University of Maine campus is Orono on Saturday, April 8, 2017.  Be on the lookout for NHD teacher workshops this fall!

Free Classroom Training in Maine Memory Network, available year-round - Maine Memory Network (MMN) is a FREE statewide digital museum developed by Maine Historical Society (MHS) to provide unprecedented access to primary source materials held by historical societies, museums, and libraries throughout Maine. There are currently more than 45,000 items in the Network's constantly growing online database contributed by over 270 organizations around Maine. MHS offers FREE classroom training in use of MMN for students and teachers; an MHS educator travels to your school to introduce teachers and/or students to Maine Memory Network, and sessions include a hands-on demonstration of the website and discussion of opportunities for your students to explore the history of your community.  To learn more or to sign up for free classroom training, email

Good luck on your first day! We know you'll be awesome.

NCSS Conference Registration Open

National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference

December 2 - 4, 2016

Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C.

Conference registration is now open

Registration for the 2016 NCSS Annual Conference in Washington is now open. Click here to start.

John Lewis, Bryan Stevenson among confirmed speakers

Get an early look at the first confirmed speakers for the 2016 NCSS Annual Conference. Representative John Lewis, attorney and author Bryan Stevenson, Little Rock Nine veteran Terrence Roberts, and columnists Ruth Marcus and Michael Gerson headline the notable list of conference speakers. Click here to see the full list, and check back for updates as more names are added. Read more

National Student/Parent Mock Election 2016

Who Will Students Elect in 2016?

National Student/Parent Mock Election gives students a voice

Register to vote at 

Washington, DC – May 1, 2016 – Today the largest civics education project in the United States announced the opening of voter registration. The National Student/Parent Mock Election gives American students, and parents too if they wish, all across the country and around the world, the opportunity to cast their votes for candidates in both the federal and state elections.  They may also vote on the issues they care about.  

This program builds on the 36-year history of the National Student/Parent Mock Election, the leading program in student voting. More than 50 million young voters have participated while learning about the importance of using their own voice to share their perspectives on important issues. In 2016, national student voting begins on October 24 and culminates on November 3rd, National Mock Election day, 5 days in advance of the nation’s election.

“The National Student/Parent Mock Election is proud to announce a new partnership for 2016,” said Gloria Kirshner, president. ‘Win My Vote’ will be providing online ballots featuring multimedia candidate and ballot issue profiles for the nation’s largest civic education project. Students, parents, teachers and home schoolers will be able to hear directly from each candidate (video) as well as the leading arguments "for" and "against" the ballot issues before casting their vote. The ballots are browser based (no downloaded needed) and can be easily accessible via any internet-enabled device (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc...). The ballots will also provide for real-time voting stats on how the candidates and ballot issues are doing. 

Sixty national civic, educational, religious and business organizations serve as cooperating organizations and partners. 2016 partners include: Win My Vote, which will provide all of the ballots for the 50 states, including candidates for the Senate where there is a race, and governorships where there is a race.   In addition the Win My Vote ballots will include all the candidates for the 535 congressional seats and the 4 national issues on which students, and parents too if they wish, will vote.  In addition, they will be providing the voting engine on which everyone votes.

The Win My Vote website will be a very important resource for the millions of young voters who participate in the National Student/Parent Mock Election.

The election of 2016 will be one of the most important elections in American history.

Other partners include  American Association of School Administrators, Barquin International, BrainPOP, Council of the Great City Schools, Don’t Forget Ed, National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Association of Secretaries of State, National Association of Student Councils, National Council for the Social Studies, National School Boards Association, NIE Institute, Rand McNally and USA Today. 

Teachers and home schoolers are encouraged to use the free materials and curriculum developed for the program to create thoughtful lessons leading up to and around the upcoming election of the president, U.S. senators and state governors where there is a race, U.S. representatives and national issues.

“Our goal is to help our country’s young people from kindergarten to college levels, understand what ‘government of the people, by the people, and for the people’ really means,” said National Student/Parent Mock Election President Gloria Kirshner. “It is never too early to start empowering our future leaders to be involved and share their informed opinions about the issues that matter most.” 

The National Student/Parent Mock Election was co-founded by Edward Stanley and Gloria Kirshner in 1980. After three decades it still stands as the world’s largest national mock election. Over the years partners have included American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., CNN, ABC, Electronic Data Systems (now HP Enterprise Services), The New York Times, TIME Magazine, and others, all collaborating to help millions of students learn about our nation’s electoral process and the meaning of democracy.

For more information and to register to vote, go to   There is never any charge.  You may register entire school districts. 

# # # 

About the National Student/Parent Mock Election

The National Student/Parent Mock Election, the country’s largest civic education project, which reached more than 5 million students and their parents in all 50 states and American schools all around the world in 2012, is built on more than a half-century of teaching experience. The project will engage students, parents, and educators all year long.  The polls will open everywhere on October 24th, 2016.





May/June Newsletter

MCSS is looking for a few good conference presenters! 

Spring is in the air and summer will be here before we know it! Now is the perfect time to look back on the academic year and reflect on what you've learned and everything you've accomplished. Did you have a professional experience or learn a new skill that you'd like to share with your fellow Social Studies teachers? How about sharing some of your stellar successes? Consider becoming a presenter at the Maine Council for the Socials Studies Annual Conference in 2016! 

This year’s conference, Civic Engagement in a Globally Connected World, will be held on November 10th, 2016 at the Augusta Civic Center.  We are looking for presenters in the following grade span areas: K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. We value workshop sessions that are interactive, hands on, and answer the question, “How do I teach this content?” “How is this presentation helpful to schools working on proficiency standards?”

If you are interested in sharing your knowledge, tools, and skills with Maine teachers, please complete the Google form at this link: 

Submission deadline is June 3, 2016. Presenters will be notified by mid- July.


Maine National History Day

by John Taylor

The National History Day in Maine program continues to grow.  This year’s state contest, held on April 9, was the largest since the University of Maine began hosting in 2014.  Over 300 students registered for the event which showcased nearly 200 student research based projects connected to the annual theme—Exploration, Encounter, Exchange in History.  As State Coordinator, I am excited about the level of involvement and the quality of work coming from Maine students.  Next year, is looking bright as plans are being made to possibly create regional contests which will take place before the state event on April 8, 2017.

Before NHD in Maine turns all focus to 2017, we must look to the rest of this year.  A large delegation of contest winners have committed to going to the national contest to showcase their state winning performances, papers, exhibits, documentaries, and websites.  It will take place at the University of Maryland, June 12-16.  The past two years have been good for our state.  In 2013, we had a first place winner from Noble High School named Noah Binette in the Senior Individual Exhibit category.  Last year, Madison Albert from Greely Middle School received the Women’s History Award for her Junior Individual Exhibit.  We are all excited to see if this streak continues into a third year.  Plans for are also being made for possible teacher workshops in Portland and Bar Harbor this fall. 

Please follow NHD in Maine on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or contact John Taylor ( to learn more about the program or upcoming events.

John Taylor is the Museum Assistant & National History Day State Coordinator at Margaret Chase Smith Library in Skowhegan, Maine.

Maine National History Day 2016 First Place State Winners:

Bruce M. Whittier Middle School

     Colin Marquis Boutin-Jr. Individual Documentary

     Sam Boles & Josh Power-Jr. Group Exhibit

Center Drive School

            Devon Hunter & Sara Hagstrom-Jr. Group Documentary

Greely Middle School

            Madison Albert-Jr. Individual Exhibit

Hartford Sumner Elementary School

            Hadley Blodgett-Jr. Individual Performance

Holbrook Middle School

            Ceci Doering & Damian Sheffer-Jr. Group Website

James F. Doughty School

            Alec Jansujwicz-Jr. Paper

            Camden Cole-Jr. Individual Website

 Lawrence High School

            Kelsey Dubay & Jessica Keay-Sr. Group Exhibit

Morse High School

            Zachary Lay & Nathaniel Lay-Sr. Group Documentary

Noble High School

            Olivia Hersom-Sr. Individual Exhibit

            Travis Marshall-Sr. Individual Performance

            Hali Bowden-Sr. Paper

            Jarrod Rudis, Jaxson Monroe & Ray Horne-Sr. Group Website

            Kylan Bowden-Sr. Individual Website

Samuel L. Wagner Middle School

            Emma Campbell, Morgan Gray & Lydia Tracy-Jr. Group Performance


Remembering World War One in Maine

by Shane Gower

“So how is a stone fence a monument?” This was a question posed by one of the thoughtful 11th grade students in my US History class at Maranacook Community High School in Readfield. Students were using the Maine Memory Network website to locate images related to World War One and Maine during that time period. One of the images we found was of a World War Memorial located in Fairfield. The image was taken in 1923. After a few moments of contemplation, the description shed a bit more light on the monument. “The World War I Monument was dedicated on May 30, 1925. It featured bronze tablets with inscribed names and an overhead marble plate bearing 13 bronze stars, one for each soldier from Good Will that was killed in the war. During the dedication ceremony water from the Marne River in France was cast upon the monument. G. W. Hinckley’s war-time letters from Good Will Boys, including those from his daughter Faith and son Ed Ben, were enclosed in a copper box and placed in a crypt behind the south tablet.” After we read this, another student asked, “Does this mean there is a box in the ground under the monument with war time letters in it? Will anyone ever read them? Why would they do this?” The questions flowed from there and we discussed the possibilities. All of this helped us to address our objective- How Was Our Community Effected by the First World War and how can we remember that? 

Through the online resources of the Maine Historical Society, and the help of the Staff at the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in Seringes-et-Nesles, France, my students learned about the sacrifice made by a young man who grew up in one of the towns in our school district. Benjamin Bradford was born and raised in Wayne, ME. He played semi-professional baseball in Winthrop, attended Kents Hill School and received a degree from Bowdoin College. Bradford enlisted in the Army in 1917 and was sent to France in June of 1918. He was killed when his plane tragically crashed at the Aviation Training Facility in Tours on August 6, 1918. What was our community like when Bradford left in 1917? How has our community changed as result of the war? How can we remember the effect of the war on our community? Why is it important to remember the sacrifice of Benjamin Bradford and others?

These are all questions my students set out to resolve through research and presentation. Kathleen Neumann, Manager of Education and Interpretive Programs at the Maine Historical Society, visited my class to introduce the Maine Memory Network and how it can be used. Students quickly found interesting artifacts on the website. They found the ability to create an account and store images an engaging and helpful research tool. We then contacted Geoff Fournier of the American Battle Monuments Commission and Superintendent of the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery where Benjamin Bradford is buried. He provided us with a photo of Bradford’s grave and the information they had about Bradford. Students used these resources and a few others to create a presentation designed to answer our questions. Each student was asked to make a claim about the effect of the war on our community, and to design a memorial or monument that would help us remember the effect of the war.

So how can a stone fence be a monument? What should monuments be made out of? What form should they take and what message should they give? These are all questions my students wrestled with and designed monuments that reflected their ideas on these questions. While I’m not sure any of them understood why a Stone Wall was erected in Fairfield to remember the sacrifice of the Boys who attended Good Will Hinckley, they all came away with an appreciation for the thought process behind monument design.

There are nine ABMC maintained American Cemeteries in Europe dedicated to soldiers killed in World War One. These cemeteries contain the remains of many Maine soldiers who grew up in our communities from all over the state. Unfortunately, the cemeteries see fewer visitors each year and are looking for opportunities to see those who are interred in those cemeteries remembered by others. There is a great opportunity for classrooms to connect with any of these cemeteries. Combined with the outstanding Maine Memory Network website, there are plenty of opportunities for students to learn about the way World War One changed our communities!

Shane Gower teaches Social Studies at Maranacook High School in Readfield, Maine.

Resources: Maine Memory Network (, American Battle Monuments Commission (, The Oise-Aisne American Cemetery (

Have a story you want to share for our SOCIAL STUDIES IN MAINE or SOCIAL STUDIES CLASSROOM spotlights? Submit it to the Maine Council for Social Studies at  

MCSS is co-sponsoring a Social Studies Summer Symposium!

June 29, 2016, Marancook High School, Readfield, ME

Space is limited; register by June 10, 2016

The Maine Department of Education, in partnership with the Maine Council for the Social Studies, will hold the inaugural Social Studies Summer Symposium on June 29 at Maranacook High School in Readfield, from 8:00-4:00.  The day will feature a variety of workshop sessions crafted and delivered by Social Studies Teacher-Leaders from across the state.  The Summer Symposium will include sessions for elementary, middle and high school teachers and contact hours will be awarded.    

The $25.00 registration fee includes lunch and seven contact hours will be awarded.  Registration and online payment must be made in advance. 

Register here:


Grant Opportunity, deadline May 8: The Gannett House Project announces a travel grant opportunity for teachers interested in participating in the 2016 Annenberg–Newseum Summer Teacher Institute in Washington, D.C.  The Institute, Primarily Digital, is a valuable professional development opportunity for teachers who want to help students explore the power of free speech in print and across the digital landscape.

June 23-24 2016, Marion, MA: Choices Program Working Conference: Engaging Students in Inquiry and Discussion on International Issues

June 29, 2016, Readfield, ME, Social Studies Summer Symposium: Space is limited; register by June 10. The Maine Department of Education, in partnership with the Maine Council for the Social Studies, will hold the inaugural Social Studies Summer Symposium on June 29 at Maranacook High School in Readfield, from 8:00-4:00.  The $25.00 registration fee includes lunch and seven contact hours will be awarded.  Registration and online payment must be made in advance.

July 25-29 2016, Worcester, MA: The Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University in Worcester, Mass will hold a Summer Holocaust Institute.

August 9-10, 2016, Augusta, ME: Holocaust and Human Rights Center Summer Seminar: Holocaust and Human Behavior: For Middle and High School Educators

August 19-22, 2016, Wilton, ME: Cemetary Preservation Workshop